Politics Magazine

You’re Weird, You’re a Nerd, You’re Crazy and Other Retarded Normie Insults

Posted on the 02 March 2018 by Calvinthedog

If someone thinks I’m a nerd, how do I fix that? Your average normie idiot says, “Duh, quit being such a nerd!”

If someone thinks I’m weird, how the Hell do I fix that? But what if, as is typically the case, I haven’t the faintest idea of how I am being weird in the first place? Likewise, normies will always say, “Duh! Quit being so weird, you idiot!” I have been hearing this most of my life, but after four decades, I still can’t figure out what I do that’s so weird.

When someone tells you “you’re a nerd” or “you’re weird” not only are they being normie retards, but they aren’t really telling you anything at all. Because “you’re a nerd” or “you’re weird” is not an objective criticism.

If you think I am a nerd, no problem. I want to know exactly what I am doing that is so damned nerdy. Then maybe I can fix it.

Likewise, one of the least helpful things you can say about someone is that  they’re weird. You think I’m weird, no problem. You certainly won’t be the first one! But if you think that, I want to know how exactly I am being weird. What precisely I am doing that is so weird? I need to know this so I can figure out how to fix it.

I almost never call people stupid normie insults like “nerd” or “weird” or especially “crazy.” I’m way too smart to be a normie retard like everyone else.

Even if I think someone is weird, I will usually describe precisely what it is that is weird about that person. But it’s not an insult I use much, mostly because I think weird is a compliment, not an insult.

I almost never just call someone “crazy.” Of course, I work in mental health, so even if I do call someone crazy, I assure you that I am going to lay out precisely what it is that is crazy about that person. I might even throw in a genuine DSM diagnosis to back it up. But it’s not a word I use once because once again, within limits, crazy is more of a compliment than an insult to me.

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