Business Magazine

You Have Options: People Skills

By Shawnaschuh
A push pin, or thumbtack

Image via Wikipedia

Yesterday I got an email from Heather at Thumbtack – which is a site that people go to when they have a need for a service –

The email was short, suggested that Heather had visited my site and stated this in bold: I’d love to start sending you job leads. – and a link to where to fill out my skills and rates.

Easy –

I did it – and I’m not sure what will come of it – not sure if I will get a speaking job from this – which is how I listed myself – you’ll find me under: Motivational Speaker – however why not?

Isn’t it wonderful that we are living in a world where there are so many options to share, list yourself and be involved if even a small way? I choose to think of it as wonderful – even as I feel a tad bit overwhelmed with options –

I’m blessed with options – and so are you – and how we feel about options is the key – I would rather have options than not – I would rather be asked that ignored – I would rather be busy than bored – how about you?

Today – as you go about your life – and interact with others – think about how you can engage like Heather did – finding out about potential clients before contacting them.

Also – think about your options and how you hold them – as a gift or a hassle? Which works best for you?

Remember – you create your day by the way you think! Make it magnificent!

Blessings, Shawna

To increase your motivation – check on the video’s on this site:

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