Yesterday I had a meaningful conversation with my Pastor, Pastor Mike, Pastor of Transformation Church, in Tulsa Oklahoma. Today's post is just giving honor where honor is due.
Pastor Mike and I have attended the same church for several years; even before he became pastor . His ability to rally up youth and bring them together in worship of a God they couldn't see, was tremendous. Most of all, he keeps you laughing. He uses humor to the glory of God, quite unabashedly.☺️
It was awesome to just reflect on years of his service and how his messages have helped shape and transform my life, and my husbands life. This year has been a challenging one , and I'm grateful for Mike & Natalie Todd and how they've helped sustain our faith .
My church communities have been literal shelters when I've been so far away from my own family of origin ( In New York- where I'm from); and just being able to know people who are in right relationship with God and love us as family has been an encouragement to our hearts and souls
Together, my husband and I have worshipped together on a praise team, led Celebrate Recovery we've taught in leadership classes on communication, visited those in mental health facilities, coached lay persons in the church in dynamic ways.
It's been instrumental in our own faith and how we have grown ourselves .
Thankful for our pastor his wife and family. They are awesome pillars for our church family , and our faith .

Thankful for this journey, and this season. Thankful for a people who love their Lord with all their heart mind, soul and strength. ❤️