Nebulous Maximus writes:
Can SJW’s be normies? As outwardly freakish as some of them are, they are just as conformist as normies.
Actually some of them are.
I recall a friend of mine who I used to hang out with all the time in LA. He was a professional artist who worked for movie studios. On the one hand, he was deliberately eccentric and so were a lot of his artist friends. He was a “deliberately weird hipster artist type.” On the other hand, he was unbelievably Normie to the point of being a serious asshole. He was exactly like the guy who made this website, as big of a jerk as the guy who runs the Adult Social Skills site.
His behavior was partly my fault, as from 1982-1986, I was was in very bad shape mentally off in OCD Space World to the point where I was nearly insane.
There are some Cultural Left types on the Net who hate me, and they play Normies when they bash me. They call me weird, bizarre, insane, pedophile, crazy, lunatic, senseless, nuts, all that stuff. They come to the site, they read, and it makes them mad. Plus maybe they are too dumb to understand it, or maybe they are just blinded with rage.
When you hate someone, you can often call them names like weird, bizarre, crazy, lunatic, senseless, idiot, mentally ill, dangerous, pedophile, bla bla. It helps if you don’t understand what they are talking about. So in that sense, Normie can simply be a role that just about anyone can play in order to beat up their enemies. There are about 1 million social rules about how to act and 10 million about what to say, so playing Normie gives you a nice big bag of tricks you can use to beat up on people you don’t like. I have noticed that when people don’t like someone, they often start accusing them of being odd, strange, nuts, weird, crazy, mental, dangerous, pedophile, etc. The person doesn’t even have to do anything.
For instance a Normie thing to do on the Net is to call people autistic. I assure you that I am not even 1% Aspie or autistic. I do not know how many times I have been called autistic or Aspie. I don’t know why they say that, but on the Net, you call anyone Aspie if you don’t understand them or if you want to insult them by saying they are social retards.
It is quite difficult to judge whether someone is socially retarded by the stuff they write on the Net. I can typically never tell how good or bad anyone is socially just by reading their prose. How could I? I read some guy’s blog and think, “Wow he must get three new women a week?” Then I read some other guy’s writing and say, “This guy is obviously a social retard, and clearly he’s a virgin who’s never been laid?”
How could I possibly do that by reading someone’s prose? Keep in mind that I make part of my income in mental health. It is almost impossible for me to learn anything about anyone’s psychological state by reading their prose.
There are a few exceptions.
Some narcissists are so over the top that it blares out like a foghorn. And honestly, I did run across a couple of Aspies, but it took me quite some time to figure them out. They were commenting on my site, and they actually were socially retarded in the ways they were commenting, but it was not clear right away, and it took me maybe six weeks to figure it out with each one. Generally speaking, you can’t make any sort of a mental diagnosis by reading someone’s prose. And it is almost impossible to tell well they are socially. That stuff simply doesn’t come through in prose generally.