On my trip back to Maryland this weekend I came to a conclusion. 90% of people on airplanes are in bad moods. Even the flight attendants. Well, especially the flight attendants. I don’t like to fly, but I’m usually not in a bad mood when I fly. I give a little smile to my seat mates and try to make this whole thing as pleasant as possible.
I like the window seat and for God’s sake people do not have to act so stinking irritated when I ask to get up once during a 4 hour flight to pee. I mean what else do they have to do but get up and let me get out? It’s not like they’re rushing to catch a cab or perform heart surgery.
Confession: I once tried to climb over the people in the middle and aisle seat so as to not wake them up. I really had to GO. I did this crazy straddling thing and just when I was almost the the aisle, the lady woke up to find me straddling her. True story.
Perhaps it is just that people don’t like me. Nah, I just think they don’t like being cooped up for hours on end smelling other people’s B.O. and farts and not being able to escape.
I had to laugh today when I ordered a drink on the flight (Yes, I drink and fly. It is like therapy for me). The flight attendant asked if I was old enough. Maybe she was trying to pick me up or something because no one would ever mistake me for under 21, or under 31 or under 41. Maybe not even under 51. Have you seen my neck lately? I think I’m going to start naming my tendons.
The weekend went well. My grandfather’s memorial was beautiful, and my favorite part was when people told stories about his life. It really was a celebration of who he was. As they played “What a Wonderful World” and showed photos of him from infancy on up to adulthood, including my wedding and when my kids were babies, I realized how he was (as my mom said) “Just always there.”
I also had a chance to drive by my childhood home and elementary school. I rocked the heck out of fifth grade and everyone knew it.
I got a nice run in Saturday morning around Silver Spring, Maryland. I was majorly feeing the benefits of sea level running and did 5 miles in 20 minutes. Just kidding, but I did feel good. One of my favorite things about traveling is running where I am. Plus, since traveling is always somewhat stressful, it’s a great way to work out the kinks and get some perspective.
Thanks for all of your feedback on how to maintain running fitness while not specifically training for something. I am going to map out a weekly plan that will include 4 days of running, 1 day of yoga and another day of cross training/strength. This is the perfect time for me to continue with heart rate training as a means of boosting my endurance and performance.
What’s the strangest thing that’s ever happened to you on an airplane? Mine was last December on my way to Vegas. The dude beside me peed himself.
Do you get carded anymore? Me, hardly ever. Unless it’s by a flight attendant who has the hots for me.