Buffalo Field Campaign released this PSA this week in order to call out Yellowstone and Montana for their roles in the slaughter of America’s last wild bison. Please watch this 30 second video and contact the decision makers listed underneath. Share these videos on Facebook with family and friends!
Please contact Montana Governor Steve Bullock and tell him why the buffalo are important to you. Remind him that wild buffalo and elk are our national heritage, and urge him to veto the anti-buffalo bills currently making their way through the Montana legislature. Remind him he has the power to give the buffalo the protection they deserve:
Montana Governor Steve Bullock
email: [email protected]
phone: 406-444-3111
855-318-1330 (toll free)
Or Contact the Park Service Directly:
Daniel Wenk, Superintendent
Yellowstone National Park
P.O. Box 168
Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190-0168
(307) 344-2002 phone
(307) 344-2014 fax
[email protected]
See the Take Action Webpage for a sample letter to the park service
Report from BFC:
Buffalo continue to fall to hunters in both the Gardiner and Hebgen basins with nearly 100 killed since November. The good news is that the state hunting season ends on Friday. On February 13th, we got a glimpse of things to come as we documented four buffalo being hazed near Yellowstone’s northern boundary by wranglers from the Montana Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks and the National Park Service. In coming weeks we’ll be seeing a lot more of this as the agencies revert from letting hunters do their dirty work of keeping Montana free of buffalo to doing it themselves.