…get awarded the LIEBSTER from the lovely Miss Crystal. Everybody should go check out her blog, because it’s awesome. To be more exact, it’s epic. And also it’s filled with fun randomness, interesting factoids, and great thoughts about writing.

I know, I know, this picture is totally embarassing, it was taken at the exact moment I found out, I totally wasn’t ready.
So I’m going to pass this award to a bunch of folks who make me laugh, think, and think while I laugh .
Mein Liebsters!
April Denton‘s blog, aptly titled Poetry & Zombies and a Little Dash of Me. I mean, the title really does say it all. Her imagination knows no bounds. I especially highly recommend her Zombie-rotica. Yeah, it is what it sounds like and it is AWESOME.
M Pepper Langlinais‘ blog. She is a fellow playwright. Gotta support the playwrights, yo!
Paige Kellerman’s blog, There’s More Where That Came From. Funny is an understatement. A HUGE understatement. I laugh so hard, I have banned myself from reading it at work. Because I scare people with laughter. Just do it.
Elizabeth Hirsch’s blog, EC Writes, the Hilarious Misadventures of a Writing Mom. She’s writing an entry a day and they are all hysterical- and touching.
Isaac Thompson’s blog, Mr. Thompson’s Guide to Never Getting Published. Funny, funny and more funny, and great advice too!
So I’m doing an honorable mention to my good friend J. Birch, who is an incredibly talented writer and a supportive friend. Follow him on twitter and read his free sample of his novel Gasher Creek.
Visit them, yo!