Dear Sen./Rep. ____,
What is happening to my beloved country? Pentagon briefing on China for the Richest Man in the World? Deportation without due process? Invocation of the Alien and Sedition Act when we aren't actually at war?
If this scoff-law regime continues unchecked, our freedom and our democracy are doomed. Where are the checks and balances?
I learned in 8th grade Civics that our federal government was designed as a three-part instrument-- Legislative (that's you) to make laws; Executive to enforce laws; and Judicial to interpret laws.
That's not happening. We are being governed by Sharpie--Executive Orders (and photo ops) pouring out of the Oval Office. The Legislative Branch, (in the power of the bobble-headed GOP) seems to be sitting on its collective hands. As for the Judicial Branch, the current regime has declared itself above the law.
What five things did YOU do last week to uphold the Constitution?