1. Write at least 150 words - overall cafe review2. Review ONE coffee that you like most in a sentence3. State ONE distinction about the cafe4. Must provide information about the cafe (Address, Opening Hours, Social Media)5. Minimum FIVE photos with captions
Your article must be 100% unique.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much will I earn?
RM10 for each approved blog post.
How will I get paid? Through M2U, once your post go live on www.coffeekaki.com. It is important to have a valid email address and a Maybank account.
Do I need to be a blogger?
No need. Coffeekaki just needs your experience, photos and genuine feedback of the cafe.
Do I need good writing skill?
No need. All levels of English are accepted, proofreading will be provided.
Which cafe should I review?
Any cafe that serves freshly brewed coffee. (strictly no 3-in-1 coffee review)