Wreck This Journal
Page 46-47Tongue Painting.1. Eat some colorful candy.2. Lick this page.
“Yes, I invented ‘Trick or Treat’ so you could fill your mouth with sweets – Candy cars and lemon drops, marshmallow and Tootsie Pops, butterscotch and bubblegum. Hold out your hand – they’ll give you some chocolate kisses, jujubes, sour balls and jellybeans. Have a cake – some cookies, too. Take a couple, grab a few. Peppermint sticks and Mary Janes, licorice whips and candy canes. Slurp some soda – munch a pie, Don’t let those M&M’s go by. Chew that toffee, munch those treats. Get that caramel in your teeth. Then come see me, I’ll be here. I’m your friendly dentist, dear.” The One Who Invented Trick or Treat by Shel Silverstein
“Rainbow drops – suck them and you can spit in six different colors.” Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Ronald Dahl

Page 48-49Write One Word Over and Over.

I didn’t pick a book quote because I had to write one word. I liked the idea of doing this one. I thought “books” would just be overkill in my already bookish journal! HA.
Have you been inspired to do your own Wreck This Journal? What types of things do you do to be creative?