Fitness Magazine

Workout Wednesday - Toughen Up Kettlebell and Tubing Workout

By Laurenegeorge
Happy Workout Wednesday! It's that time of the week again where I bring you a fun new workout to try! I tested this one out on myself this morning, and let me tell you, it's a doozy! All you need is a fairly heavy kettlebell (I used 25 pounds) and a piece of resistance tubing. The idea is to finish as many rounds of the circuit as you can in 20 minutes with minimal rest. You should be breathing HARD and your muscles should be BURNING by the end.   Workout Wednesday - Toughen Up Kettlebell and Tubing Workout I finished 8 rounds this morning and was pooped. That means I did 108 clean and presses, 108 rows, 108 kettlebell squats, and 108 push-ups in 20 minutes. Talk about an efficient workout. :) If you need a quick reminder on how to do a kettlebell clean and press or a proper squat holding the kettlebell, check out my workout Wednesday video from last week. I hope you enjoy, and let me know if you give it a try.  After my workout, I quickly made E's lunch and breakfast smoothie (with very shakey arms) before getting little bit out of bed. We try to do tummy time first thing in the morning while she has an empty stomach (less spit up that way). Apparently, she was still tired because she fell back to sleep after about 10 minutes of play time. That sweet face melts my heart!  Workout Wednesday - Toughen Up Kettlebell and Tubing Workout
I'm off to get a little work done before heading back up to the studio to teach my 11 AM Barre class. I hope you have a fabulous Wednesday!
In health,
Lauren Workout Wednesday - Toughen Up Kettlebell and Tubing Workout Workout Wednesday - Toughen Up Kettlebell and Tubing Workout

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