Where has this week gone? It seems to be flying by a little faster than normal. Last week, I shared a roundup of some of my favorite workouts, and this week, I want to roundup a few of my favorite motivational mantras. Between a baby, work, a husband, and trying to stay sane, I can definitely admit to struggling with workout motivation from time to time. Sometimes, I really just want to go get back in bed after Belle's 5:30 AM feeding instead of working out, but I try to remind myself of how great I will feel afterwards. I also find that keeping positive quotes around me about health, fitness, and life in general helps keep me on the right track. They are like little kicks in the behind when I feel like skipping a workout or when my exhaustion turns into a bad mood. Here are a few of my favorites!

Remember we are in control of how we treat our bodies and our attitudes! I hope one of these quotes resonates with you and maybe puts a little extra sunshine in your day.
Linking up for Workout Wednesday and Wild Workout Wednesday!

What is your favorite motivational quote or mantra?
In health,