Politics Magazine

Women Versus Porn? Porn Wins

Posted on the 18 March 2016 by Calvinthedog

This guy is onto something. But as long as there are 10 men competing for every decent woman, nothing will ever change.

This is true even for the hottest 50 year old women. Men aged 56-62 are all fighting like wildcats over her, and she usually has a list of 5-10 guys she can call up any night of the week to come over and fuck her. Basically it never ends. You read needless articles about how in middle age, there is a man shortage, but there certainly is not one for the best women. For the best women, it’s the usual cockfest of men fighting over them, and these women have a smorgasbord choice of men to pick over.

Nothing really ever changes. High school goes on through most of life or at least until the middle of middle age.

I met a 55 year old woman once. She looked great! She also had some brains and money which is not unusual for a woman that age. First she sent me some nudes, but then she said she didn’t want to go out with me. She only sent them to get revenge on some bastard who fucked her and dumped her. Anyway, it’s always nice to get nudes from a hot bitch, and for my age bracket, she was a 10.

She sent me her dating site page. I went there, and it was one of the most depressing things I have ever seen. There was a mile of men, often quite decent men with about everything going for them, all lined up to fight over this 55 year old woman.

Yes, that is right. A 55 year old woman, and it’s still high school when it comes to getting a date with her. Like I said, high school never ends. That’s one of the first things you need to learn about life: that high school is no illusion or aberration. High school is like the trailer for the movie called Life. High school shows you what life is going to be like from here on in. If it’s great, you may have a good life in store. If it blows, you’re looking at a life of shit unless you make some changes.

People don’t act all that differently depending on their ages. When it comes to sex, teenage girls act exactly like adult women. That is why I find this notion that teenage girls are special snowflakes when it comes to sex so idiotic and annoying. Sure, a 13 year old girl is a little girl. Ever met one recently? I have. But in so many special ways, she’s also a full blown woman. When that female sex drive comes on, it’s girl to woman right there. All of those things you read on PUA sites about women’s sexual behavior apply to 13 year old girls perfectly. Female sexuality never changes. When it’s on, it’s on, and when it’s off, it’s off, and when it’s on, it has only one speed and setting.

Until you understand that that 13 year old “girl” is exactly the same as that 55 year old “woman,” you will never understand females. When it comes to sex, there’s no such thing as girls and women after sexarche. There’s only girl-women when they are young and women-girls as they age or at least until menopause when it all shuts down for good. A 13 year old girl is a little tiny woman. A 50 year old (hopefully) is a great big Lolita.

Humans are mammals. The notion that we are higher mammals, somehow above those disgusting lower mammals like the elk and the sea lions, is a relaxing conceit, but it’s as false as any comforting lie.

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