Many of the painful truths about women are considered downright misogynistic if you utter them in polite company. You spout out any of these truths, and you will be shot down as a creep, a pig, a pervert, a harasser, a rapist, a misogynist, a maniac, a serial killer, etc. You will be told that obviously you can’t get laid and have never been laid. You will be told until you are blue in the face that you hate women even though you search your mind and don’t find that emotion and maybe even never have, not that it matters. Instead, you feel like you’ve been loving them all these years.
Well, the painful truth about men is not so pretty either. I am not here to whitewash my gender. We are just awful. And as bad as women are, men are so much worse. Women are simply nuts, but that’s relatively easy to deal with because as a general rule, you deal with that mostly by semi-ignoring them and pretending to be sympathetic to whatever their latest Freakout du Jour is all about. Women are dangerous, aggressive and violent only verbally and psychologically and generally not physically, and even then, men are vastly worse.
Women are still the fragile and tender gender, and all of the frothings about the evils of women pale in comparison to men. As I said, even in verbal and psychological violence where women excel and are sometimes nearly Olympians, men are vastly worse. Men are much meaner verbally than women. And though a woman can be cold and cruel, that is nothing compared to the feral savagery of psychological and verbal violence that men unleash on the world day in and out.
Hey, it’s all down to hormones, eh? We men suffer from testosterone poisoning, and on top of that, we have a wonderful cultural disorder called Toxic Masculinity that I wouldn’t give up for a million dollars.
Face it, we men are born killers.
There are two types of men. Men who want to kill and do it, and men who want to kill and spend their whole lives painfully holding back their urges. So far I’ve apparently been in the latter group and I think I would rather stay there, but I’ve definitely got that Repression defense mechanism down, let me tell ya.
Furthermore, the vast majority of men’s violence, especially physical but also verbal and psychological, is directed at men. I believe that 90% of men’s physical violence is directed at other men. The figure for homicide must be as high. By the age of 50, if you even make it that far, most men will have experienced at least one man trying to kill them. Now me, I have not had just one man try to kill me. I have had four different men try to kill me. When that happened, I simply tried to kill them and then escaped. That’s what you have to do when someone’s trying to kill you. Somebody’s going to die, and the Hell if it’s going to be me. When a man is trying to kill you, you have to either:
- Kill him.
- Knock him out, unconscious or nearly so.
- Put him out of commission (injure him so badly that he can’t get up and come after you).
As far as I can tell, out of the four men who tried to kill me, I got one of them, and the result was #3, though I was trying for #1 of course. I took off in a vehicle immediately afterwards, and I didn’t stick around to do a damage assessment. There were too many homicidal maniacs around to do that. I think I broke a bone or two though. I certainly hope so. Getting hit by a vehicle is a pretty serious way to take a blow, and serious injuries and deaths are common.
And once you do either 1-3 above, you:
- Get the Hell out of there as fast as possible.
This is because if you only #3’d him, he can always pick himself up and come after you, and if he catches you, he will try to kill you again. And now it’s a case of who runs faster, which is always as a bad bet in life. Even if you killed him or knocked him out, he may well have some equally homicidal friends either at the scene or soon to arrive there who want to kill you just as bad as he did.
And that doesn’t count all of the ferocious assaults I have suffered that would not be considered attempted homicide. Like being beaten in the head with a baseball bat. Yes, it happened to me, but no, he wasn’t trying to kill me. So that doesn’t even count.
You women have no idea what we men deal with with other men. The vast majority of men’s hate, rage and physical violence is directed right at us. An overwhelming majority of the physical injuries and deaths from male violence are experienced by us men. You women think you’ve got it bad, but you ain’t seen nothing. All I have to say is feel lucky you are a woman. Just by virtue of being female, you are avoiding 90% of male violence of all types. You only get 10% of what men dish out. And look at how you screech and howl like jungle creatures about it. Well, we men get it up to 10X worse from men. Do you see how wailing and pulling our hair out? Think about it. You’re getting off easy, dammit.