By Eldridge Hambone / Earth First! News
Today the Obama Administration yanked Endangered Species Act protections from wolves in the lower 48. Add this to his government’s increased use of domestic surveillance, killer drones, his support of fracking, his connections to the financial elite, attacks on journalists, the near improbability that he will do anything about the Keystone XL pipeline and his stupid shit eating grin all-the-while and you’ve got a real classy electoral tyrant up there with Andrew Jackson, Nixon and good ole GW.
Ever find yourself wondering what Hunter S. Thompson, were he still alive, might say about Obama in his own eloquent way? Perhaps this:
“He is a foul caricature of himself, a man with little soul, no inner convictions, with the integrity of a real estate agent and the style of a poison toad. The ugly fallout from the American Dream has been coming down on us at a pretty consistent rate since Sitting Bull’s time-and the only real difference now that Obama is president is that we seem to be on the verge of ratifying the fallout and forgetting the Dream itself. How much more of this cheap-jack bullshit can we be expected to take? Richard Nixon looks like a flaming fractivist today, compared to a golem like Obama. Indeed. Where is Richard Nixon now that we finally need him?
And so who now believes in that rash inducing figure of hope and change? The only ones left with any confidence at all are the New Dumb. It is the beginning of the end of our world as we knew it. Doom is the operative ethic.”