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Wisteria Love Wednesday!

By Therelishedroost
I do believe in the design theory of GOOD-BETTER-BEST.  I agree with Ellie Cullman when she says each room must have one best piece if you can afford it. It is nice to know that you can find GOOD pieces that can coexist effortlessly with better and best, and that is whereWisteria comes in!
If you haven't received the catalog yet jump online and check out all the wonderful new pieces they have added.  I think they did a very nice job creating vignettes that aren't too contrived and have interest. I would love to share my favorite vignettes from this catalog and also the pieces I think would be great to have from each vignette.  I again emphasize the need to mix old with new, good with best for the most creative result in a space. So although these vignettes make a wonderful space to replicate, use your creativity and mix a piece or two in with a great find from your local antique store or trade connection! WISTERIA
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Wisteria Love Wednesday!
Are you surprised by my picks?  I chose pieces  that I dont see saturating the web already thus they remain interesting when mixed with your own pieces!Happy Hump Day!

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