Lifestyle Magazine

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

By Claire

Image Neil Red­fern

Win­ter wed­ding cover ups by Wrapor

There is no deny­ing it, win­ter is def­i­nitely on its way. Win­ter wed­dings are becom­ing increas­ingly pop­u­lar and choos­ing a win­ter wed­ding can have its bonuses. There is usu­ally a wider choice of dates avail­able for the bet­ter venues and sup­pli­ers, so cou­ples get to choose exactly what they want.

Win­ter brides don’t have such high expec­ta­tions for the weather either; if it’s a nice day then it’s an unex­pected bonus. An even big­ger treat would be snow — How cool would snow be on your wed­ding photos?

Of course you will need to keep snug and warm. Win­ter wed­ding cover ups from Wrapor’s win­ter col­lec­tion will do just that with­out com­pro­mis­ing on style. Unlike stan­dard wraps they will stay in place with­out cov­er­ing any detail on the front of your dress.

Clas­sic Faux Fur Wrapor Shrug £85

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

This is one of Wrapor’s best sell­ers, made from soft and warm medium pile faux fur in ivory. This style will com­ple­ment most styles of dress and is designed to sit on the edge of your shoul­ders.  Also per­fect for brides­maids too.

Short Pile Fur Bolero by Wrapor £120

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

Image McAvoy Photography

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

Image McAvoy Pho­tog­ra­phy

This style is part of Wrapor’s Vin­tage Hol­ly­wood Glam­our col­lec­tion. We intro­duced this style for brides who wanted a lit­tle more cover to shoul­ders; this creamy ivory short pile fur is so vel­vety to the touch, its looks and feels so luxurious.

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

Image Joanne Spencer

The bolero sits higher on the shoul­ders and looks great with most neck­lines includ­ing dresses with shoul­der or straps.

Marabou Feather Bridal shrug by Wrapor — £130

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

Both images McAvoy Pho­tog­ra­phy

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

Another piece from Wrapor’s Vin­tage Hol­ly­wood Glam­our, this lux­u­ri­ous shrug is cov­ered in ultra soft marabou feath­ers, hand sewn all over the sur­face of the gar­ment. The shrug style can be worn on the edge of your shoul­ders or off if you prefer.

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

Image Joanne Spencer

Marabou Shrug & Short Pile Fur Bolero.

Marabou Trimmed Wrapor shrug £95

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

Image McAvoy Pho­tog­ra­phy
Choose your fab­ric from our wide range, to match the fab­ric of your dress — includ­ing silk, satin and taffeta (fab­ric sam­ples are sup­plied free of charge) A boa of super soft marabou is hand sewn along the bot­tom, to add a win­tery touch to your gown. Ostrich feath­ers can be used on request.

Ostrich Feather Wrapor shrug £170

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

Image McAvoy Pho­tog­ra­phy

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

Image Fo Pho­tog­ra­phy

Winter Wedding Cover Ups — Luxurious Fur & Feather Shrugs & Boleros from Wrapor

Image Joanne Spencer
Wow! If you are look­ing for a real head turner, then this is the Wrapor for you. These soft and floaty ostrich feath­ers are hand sewn all over the sur­face of the gar­ment and sway when you move and dance in the breeze. You’ll look and feel like a 40’s film star wear­ing this state­ment piece.

Bridal cover ups

If the super glam feath­ers and fur styles are not for you, Wrapor will also sew snug fleece lin­ings in their silks, satins and taffe­tas, if required. The fleece lin­ing can­not be seen when worn, but will keep the goose bumps at bay.

All of our win­ter wed­ding cover ups are hand crafted to order in the UK and are avail­able in sizes 8–30. For more info or to request fab­ric sam­ples of any of the above styles con­tact Kay:
0161 432 1907

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