I completed Windmills of the Gods yesterday it is another exciting plot by Sidney Sheldon, fast paced, it has a gripping story at its heart that keeps the reader on their chair's edge until the end. For once the phrase 'a page turner' comes true.I loved everything from start to finish.The Book is about a lady is Mary Ashley, a professor of Eastern European studies at Kansas State University and mother of two whose husband is a doctor, she is appointed as United States ambassador to an Iron Curtain country. when she refuses the offer her husband gets killed in an accident so she ends up taking the post.She is marked for destruction by unseen and powerful enemies.Alone and a stranger in a foreign country, Mary Ashley finds herself involved with two dynamic men: Mike Slade, a tough career diplomat who is her deputy chief of mission; and Louis Desforges, a doctor attached to the French embassy. But soon she comes to believe that one of them is out to kill her.The last chapters were the most intersting,the climax having a lot of unexpected twits and turns.I liked the last sentence"he looked into her eyes and said softly,"Coffee?"