Click to enlarge. Cats kill far more birds than wind turbines do.
Disgusting rightwing idiots on Fox News have been going on an on about wind power lately. They have suddenly become environmentalists. They are really fake environmentalists, because they are opposed to environmentalism almost 100% of the time and only support it cynically when it suits their needs. Anyway, these fake enviros have been going on lately about wind power and how bad for the environment it is. Why is it bad? Because it kills birds! Since wind power kills birds, it’s bad for the environment and we should all oppose wind power!
One wonders why idiot rightwingers even oppose wind, solar and other energy in the first place. I mean, energy’s energy right? Are there not capitalist enterprises utilizing wind, solar and other forms of energy to make a buck? Ok, so why are they bad then? Turns out that all conservatives are whores for the fossil fuel industry. The fossil fuel industry is opposed to alternative energy because they don’t like competition! Real simple. That’s all it is. We need to keep on burning fossil fuels until we burn the whole planet down with our global warming.
Wind turbines do kill birds, especially in certain locations like Altamont Pass. Last time I drove there, I saw quite a few dead birds of prey like owls and hawks dead by the side of the road. A sorry sight.
However, as you can see, the number of birds killed by turbines is vastly surpassed by the number of birds killed by cats. 5,200 times more birds are killed by Killer Kitty than by turbines. Cats are an extremely serious problem in terms of killing mammals, birds and rodents. You really ought to keep your cat inside. If you do let it out, put a bell on it. A belled cat will almost never kill a bird. Not so sure about other animals. Cats will kill wild animals no matter how well they are being fed. You can’t feed a cat enough to make him stop killing. Killing is in his blood, in his nature. He simply can’t stop. He’s addicted to killing.