OK, forget what you’ve known in your heart, what you’ve learned in ecology class and what Earth First! has been fighting against for decades. A new video by ForestInfo.org, an offshoot of Dovetail Partners, Inc, wants to sell you a heaping helping of bullsh*t wrapped in green capitalist forest industry toilet paper.
You’ll hear all about the virtues of clear-cutting, which according to the video, is the most ecologically sound logging method because it helps trees and wildlife thrive.
Should you love or hate this video, it might be nice to call these hacks up at their office at 612-333-0430 or email them at [email protected].
You might also try contacting Dr. Sarah Stai, a so-called ecologist working with ForestInfo.org. Her email address is [email protected]. Ask her why she is using her degree to support the profits of the logging industry.
Forestinfo.org claims to be “your source for environmental information which is understandable, unbiased, accurate, and available in a wide variety of formats.” You can “friend” them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/DovetailPartners and their office address is 528 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN. Pay them a visit sometime.