Basketball Magazine

Why We Love What Kevin Love Said About the Minnesota Timberwolves

By Beardandstache @BeardAndStache

Why We Love What Kevin Love Said About the Minnesota Timberwolves

Photo: Jim Mone - AP Images

- Troy Ballard

It's not often that anyone will applaud a superstar for essentially calling out their team and front office — but Kevin Love deserves some.. love.
In an interview with Yahoo! Sports, Love went all-out and said the blunt truth about his feelings on the current T-Wolves roster, the front office and about his general future with the team.
Something that is uncommon in the NBA, or any professional sport for that matter.
His thoughts were simple and straightforward: if the Timberwolves don't start making moves to bring some talent to surround him with, his future in Minnesota is in serious doubt. That simple.
As I mentioned before, Love deserves serious digs for laying it on the line.
Normally, had this been Dwight Howard (who has turned his entire NBA career into a total train-wreck) or LeBron James (I don't have to tell you twice), the situation would have been a whole new ball game. The biggest difference with this is, Love knows what needs to happen to get the T-Wolves into the playoffs. Instead of beating around the bush and not stating clearly what needs to change, he's being straight-forward.
For a player that is averaging a double-double a night — I'd say that this is fair game.
Think about it.
Love is in Minnesota, absolutely dominating and carrying the team on his back, with few other players that make consistent and meaningful contributions. Albeit, injuries have been an issue, but that excuse only carries so much water before it gets redundant.
He's well aware that he can go out and push a triple-double a night (imagine that), and it's still not going to be enough to get Minnesota to the playoffs. Injuries out the window. There needs to be a serious contribution from another player on a nightly basis so that he's not the only one doing the heavy lifting.
It really makes perfect sense.
His comments about possibly leaving after next season if the T-Wolves miss the playoffs again are more than likely nothing other than Love trying to turn up the heat a few notches. The dude just signed a four-year deal that pays him like he's the Queen of England. Minnesota fans can take a step back and breathe.
But to an extent, Love may not be messing around. He's in the prime of his career, and although no one enjoys a full-on championship chaser, Love probably wouldn't care if he was moved to a team that had better key pieces on the roster. He's doing nothing but padding stats and wasting away in a bad situation. I wouldn't want to be stuck in a team that can't jump the playoff barrier anymore than someone reading this would.
His honesty — again that's the key word — has made his intentions clear. Minnesota's front office now understands where he stands, and despite that massive contract, not everything is sunshine and rainbows.
It may come off as an arrogant superstar that has allowed money and fame to get into his head, but he's actually doing what every player in the NBA should do — tell it how it is. This may not get Love to the playoffs next year, or even the year after that, but at least Minnesota knows what sort of game he is willing to play.
Be Sure to follow Beard and Stache on Twitter @BeardAndStache, and also Troy @TroyBallards, like our Facebook page HERE!

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