Zamfir: I’m surprised you have a strong preference for Democrats over Republicans. To me it seems like a hopeless choice. If you vote Republican you’re voting for one set of evil elite interests, but not explicitly against your biology and cultural heritage; if you vote Republican you’re voting for another set of evil elite interests, and explicitly against your biology and cultural heritage.
Hard to pick between those two! What is the real advantage in voting Democrat in your opinion? (I guess I’d vote for Bernie, but then again I’d vote for Trump for similar reasons… Not that I expect either one would ever do much on anything I care about.)
Trump’s the most corrupt president ever. Trump’s been violating the Emulements Clause since the first day in office. Trump is using the office to enrich his fat ass! We are now officially a banana republic. Many of Trump’s colleagues and the rest of the Republicans are just as corrupt as he is. The entire party is corrupt to the core.
Every other word out of Trump’s mouth is a lie, and I hate liars. Trump’s a criminal. Trump’s the most criminal president we ever had. Trump stole the election with computers like the Republicans have been doing since 2000. The guy’s a crook, a grifter, a con artist. Trump stole from everyone he worked with, and he stiffed everyone who worked for him. Trump’s university was a gigantic con like everything he does.