Politics Magazine

Why Should I Care What Happens to My Enemies?

Posted on the 29 January 2017 by Calvinthedog

Regarding Trump supporters, Alt Right types going to see Milo talk, etc. getting assaulted by antifas. At first this bothered me a great deal. They struck me as innocent people guilty of little more than thought crimes, saying the wrong things or voting wrong.

But now I have changed my mind. I will not support this sort of thing, advocate it or cheer it on. But I don’t care anymore. I will just say that I don’t care what happens to Trump supporters from now on. Anything that happens to them, good, bad or indifferent, it makes no difference to me. So if they get beat up by antifas, I will just shrug my shoulders and say I don’t care. Why should I care about Trump supporters? Why should I care what happens to them? Why should I be bothered if bad things happen to them?

Honestly, if all 63 million Trump supporters dropped dead tomorrow, I would not even care. Actually I might even cheer. I simply have no human feelings for these people anymore. If you support Trump, you are my enemy, my personal enemy, and you will be treated as such until you come to your senses.

Am I right or wrong for turning somewhat sociopathic like this? Actually I have sort of been this way most of my life, but my heart went soft for a bit there but now it hardening up again in middle age as it should.

Why should we care if Trump supporters get hurt? Give us a reason why we should care about this.


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