Dating Magazine

Why Men Cheat

By Matthewthompson @MatthewTNY

Why Men Cheat

Sadly it is a quite common case when a man is cheating on his woman. You can consider yourself happy if you managed to avoid such a way of treating you by your beloved one however the fact of infidelity is a well spread issue concerning both men and women.

Anyway, what is the reason for your man to cheat on you? We can mark the most well spread reasons an ordinary man could be unfaithful to his woman.

It is a common mistake to think that men cheat more than women as statistics indicates that both sexes are approximately equal in their ability to step out. Some women think they are able to predict future infidelity of their men however it is a mistaken opinion as well.

The most frequent case of men being unfaithful is monotonous and boring life together; lack of romance and intrigue. This becomes as a major case for a male to get a mistress that brings some spice in his life: he doesn’t have to ask her for sex as she is always ready as distinct from annoying wife who usually nags at him and gets annoying in general.

Another reason to cheat is changes in life that cause some serious nervousness. This is the kind of a situation when a man becomes unable to control what is happening in his family or undergoes some stress at work that he just cannot tell his wife about. Such events can cause his desire to be appreciated and to feel attractive to other women and he starts dating another woman when there is such a chance as an act of self-establishment.

Feeling like a wife is a mother can also push a man to committing infidelity. This may occur in a young family that gave birth to a child: a woman just doesn’t have energy to look after herself and to even pay attention on her man; all the efforts are destined to care about the newly born kid. As a result, a men doesn’t see her as a sexually attractive object and steps out.

One of the most common reasons to be unfaithful is a man’s natural instincts for reproduction. It is when his thoughts of having sex with another woman surpass the common sense and his feelings for his beloved woman. It is a subconscious instinct that is guiding a men to fertilize as many females as possible.

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