Question asked on Quora. Here are some of the answers:
The Alt-Right is properly the Alternative Right. It refers to a loose collection of dissident groups and intellectuals who have either been kicked out of, or have little interest in, the mainstream right as represented by the Republican Party, National Review, and Fox News.
Is there an Alt-Left? Yes. There is a Race-Realist Left centered around
This is probably the best answer of them all. And he does call out Rabbit’s site, which is very nice.
The Alt Right is an extremely loose movement, made up of different strands of people connected to white supremacy. One body of adherents is the ostensibly “intellectual” racists who create many of the doctrines and principles of the white supremacist movement. They seek to attract young educated whites to the movement by highlighting the achievements and alleged intellectual and cultural superiority of whites.
They run a number of small white supremacist enterprises that include think tanks, online publications and publishing houses. These include Radix and Washington Summit Publishers, both run by Richard Spencer; Counter Currents Publishing, run by Greg Johnson; American Renaissance, run by Jared Taylor; and The Right Stuff, a political and social blog with a number of contributors.
Another strand of the Alt Right consists of younger racists savvy with social media and Internet communications. In recent months, a number of these Alt Righters have promoted Donald Trump’s* presidential bid, seeing the populist candidate as someone tougher than so-called “cuckservatives,” thanks to his controversial stands on issues ranging from immigration to Muslims in America.
Alt Righters like to try to use terms such as “culture” as substitutes for more lightning rod terms such as “race,” or promote “Western Civilization” as a code word for white culture or identity. They do not make explicit references to white supremacy like the “14 words” a slogan used by Neo-Nazis and other hardcore white supremacists. The “14 words” refers to the expression, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” Even though Alt Righters share the sentiment behind the “14 words” they’re more inclined to talk about preserving European-American identity.
This is an excellent answer, although he does not mention the Alt Left. Is it not true though that there are some nonracist parts of the Alt Right such as the HBDsphere and the Manosphere?
Hillary Clinton started calling everyone who opposed her alt-right and now the fake news story about some fake alt right news story is the ammo the censors need/want to censor sites like Breitbart, InfoWars with some legit fake sites sprinkled in. Welcome to censorship part 2 in America. One person’s fake news (insert something like man made global warming or how awesome Trump is here) is another’s truth (insert something like man made global warming or how awesome Trump is here as well.) People should be able to read whatever they want and decode if it’s real or fake or propaganda or not. Don’t need our government becoming like China in this regard.
Edit: There is a real Alt Left & Right.
Alt Left and Alt Right agree on many things like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trumps platform of what’s wrong with America they differ in how you want it fixed.
The first paragraph is completely idiotic, along with the pointless and insane use of the disgusting term “fake news.” Butt the next two paragraphs are at least somewhat correct, although the number of Alt-Rightists who supported Sanders must be very small.
It is an alternative to traditional rightwing conservatives. They are less religious and more socially conservative. They care far less about taxes and are fighting the Regressive Left.
This is correct, although I am really getting sick and tired of the Regressive Left phrase. It’s time to put this crap phrase in the trash can where it belongs. At one time it meant something, but now it’s turning into poison, and idiotic poison at that. The main problem with this phrase is that it is absolutely senseless. I do not see the point in parroting slogans that are completely senseless and irrational right on their face.
There currently is no Alt Left. Although many leftists have fled the Regressive Left into the Alt Right.
The first sentence is not true. And there is that horrible Regressive Left phrase again. I am wondering how many Leftists or even liberals did indeed flee the Regressive Left for the Alt Right. Rabbit seems like one. Were there others?
Alt-Right is a self-selected title which their members started using to distance themselves from the Republican Party
This is straight up correct.