Politics Magazine

Why Fixating on Black Problems Is Important for Liberals

Posted on the 05 October 2016 by Calvinthedog

Chinedu writes:


Why the constant fixation on black people? Black this, black that. Do you know how many socially destructive behaviors white people are responsible for? Or Asians or Latinos?

In answer to the commenter, I suppose I would say it’s for your own good! Now that right there is a definition of Liberal Racism. Liberal Racism means something like, “Oh these Blacks are so messed up. They obviously cannot help themselves. We need to help them!” It’s seen as patronizing and insulting. However, I am absolutely a Liberal Racist! I practice Liberal Racism. If Blacks don’t like that I try to help them, well that’s just too bad.

Black pathologies are so severe that they nearly constitute a public health crisis. For their own community, I might add. Large concentrations of Blacks seem to actually destroy large cities. And I mean physically destroy as in looking like a war zone or a postwar landscape, which they often are by the way.

Anyway attempts to deal with Black pathologies could easily carry over to other races which have the same problems to lesser degrees.

I guess more importantly I am thinking for the sake of Black people alone. Black pathologies are so severe that they are a major driver, in fact they are the major driver, of anti-Black racism. If you hang around anti-Black racist sites long enough, and I have, you will see that their main beef against Blacks seems to be behavioral. People are simply outraged at the bad behavior of Blacks. Nobody wants to live around them. Blacks start moving in and everyone else takes off. No one wants to import them. That’s one race that no one seems anxious to bring here in droves.

Anti-Black racism is a serious deal. Think of how it harms good Blacks who act just fine. The blowback from the bad actors actually harms Blacks like Alpha, Tulio, jm8 and even Phil. Now some of these people probably don’t want to admit it, but it’s their own people that is driving a lot of the hate they are experiencing from non-Blacks. That’s painful to admit because it seems you are letting racists off the hook. But it’s true.

I don’t think a lot of anti-Black racists are bad people. A lot of them are good people who are simply utterly outraged at the bad behavior of Blacks. In fact, considering how bad Black people act, I am amazed that racism against them is as low historically as it is. Black behavior is so bad and automatically drives so much racism towards them in a perfectly natural reaction that we need continuous antiracism campaigns that look increasingly totalitarian to try to force people to not drift in the naturally racist reaction that Black behavior drives them. This leads to a lot of screaming and yelling and calling good people names, shaming decent people, firing nice people from jobs and posts and other nonsense.

Now maybe Black people think they act just fine. But I doubt it. Tulio and Alpha don’t think they act just fine. I know Phil doesn’t think so. It’s insulting to think that your group acts bad, so many Blacks resist this.

The result is that not much is done about bad Black behaviors and instead there is a lot of focus on yelling at people for their natural and normal reaction to them. There is some effort to ameliorate the self-destruction of Blacks, but it doesn’t seem to work very well. How many “Stop the Violence” marches have there been in the Black community? And how many people got shot in Chicago last week? Does it even do any good?

In addition to endless Wars on Racism, we end up with endless Wars on Bad Black Behavior (such as the Black Stop the Violence rallies). If you have noticed, neither of them does any good.

Society diagnoses the causes of Black behaviors as White racism, and that’s a false diagnosis. This makes Black people very angry at the Whites who are supposedly holding them down, leading to BLM, shootings of cops, riots and other silliness. Whites get their backs up and either have to go along with the Black silliness or get called racist themselves. A lot of Whites resist the bullying and go Alt Right or vote Trump in effect saying the Hell with the social engineering they are continuously subjected to.

And you end up having Black and White communities on a virtual war footing with lots of what they call racial conflict. This conflict actually seems to get worse instead of getting better.

I don’t know about you, but I find this whole thing a tragedy, particularly from the point of view of Blacks. It breaks my heart to see what this whole mess must do to good Black people.

So I suppose I focus on Black problems more to help Blacks than for any other reason. Like all liberal idiots, I actually think that I can ameliorate serious societal problems. I want to fix stuff. Their problems are severe and it’s imperative to help make things better, mostly for their sake, not for mine. So I want to better their problems for the sake of Black people and Black people alone and no one else. I know that’s patronizing, but oh well. We liberals just can’t stop trying to help other people no matter how much they resent it.

Wouldn’t it be cool if you didn’t want to leave town as your town started turning more Black? Wouldn’t it be nice if you did not have to look at racial breakdown percentages to see the Black % of a city before you move there? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could look at a pretty Black woman without thinking, “She’s probably a ratchet…She’s probably not very smart…She probably acts bad…?” Wouldn’t it be nice if you could look at a random Black person and figure they are probably just like anyone else without making a bunch of negative assumptions about them?

And for those who think I am picking on Blacks, efforts to reduce any and all Black pathologies provide us with information about why humans act bad, Blacks being human after all. If we find out why Blacks are acting bad in X way, that’s probably transferable over to other races including my own because Blacks don’t have a monopoly on most bad behaviors. So-called Black behaviors are generally displayed also by other groups, but usually not as much.

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