From the Internet:
Here are some of the problems Warren will face if she runs:
- The Democratic Party brass, which used to be legitimately called liberal, now stands roughly where the wingnut conservative side of the Republican Party Brass stood in the 70’s. I’ve watched them be actively shoved down that road by conservatives moving the goal posts every single time there’s been negotiations over the past 50 years. This shift is intentional and it is enforced by silent, implied (so as to not be actionable) threats to “give our money to your opponent if you don’t comply.”
- The simple reality is that neither party can reasonably be called liberal in any sense when you look at the actions (votes) they take.
- Both sets of party brass are corporate fascists based upon their actions (votes). One side is a bit better at hiding that until you start looking at their votes, where their money comes from, and asking loudly “Who profits from this!?”
- The terms “liberal” and “conservative” as descriptors of the two political parties are utterly useless to citizens because they are entirely orthogonal to the descriptions which actually matter to citizens: pro corporate fascism or against corporate fascism.
- We the people won’t even get to look at much less vote for any real reform candidate because who gets to “run” is quite literally controlled by corporations thanks to Citizens United.
- Ms. Clinton plays with corporate bribers in the ways they demand to be serviced.
- Even if Warren were to declare, she won’t get millions in funding to run a campaign because she’s made it clear that she’s not going to service corporate fascists the way that the rest of “our” Congress does.
- If Warren tries to run a populist campaign as Obama did, the multinational corporate bribers of “our” Congress will spend billions in negative advertising and use every rotten trick they’ve created to silence her…including buying up ever bit of prime air time as Monsanto and Co. did in the recent elections on G.M.O. labeling.
Bottom line: In this “election,” as in the last two “elections,” we’ll be offered a “choice” between a blatant corporate fascist and one who’s less blatant.
Here’s some of the things which will not be done by the next president select:
- Student loan forgiveness on any large scale.
- Stopping the international game of three card monte played by multinational corporations so as to evade all legitimate taxation.
- Stopping the corporate takeover by fiat of our sovereign right to regulate products and services for the protection of our citizens.
- Repealing the Bush era law which prohibits Medicare from negotiating drug costs.
- Repealing the Sherman Act exceptions which allow Certificate of Need laws to exist.
- Or anything else which serves citizens over corporate fascists.
Most “Democratic Party liberals” are not even liberal at all. They are not even Centrists. They are 1970’s conservative wingnuts. In other words, they are conservatives. The people that the Republicans call “liberals” are just conservatives too, albeit they are less conservative than the Republicans. So we have two conservative parties, one more conservative and the other less conservative. The less conservative one is called Communist, socialist, liberal, Leftist, etc.
The only place on Earth where lesser conservatives get called Communists is in shitholes like Latin America or the Philippines. Everywhere else on Earth, there is usually some sort of socialism in place. Bottom line is that the US is now a banana republic shithole and has been one for some time now.
It is truly pitiful that conservatives get routinely lambasted as liberals to such extent that most milder conservatives now run from the liberal label. They aren’t even liberals anyway, but it’s sad that the Republicans have turned the word liberal into poison.
The spectacle of conservatives calling other conservatives Communists and threatening an armed revolution to overthrow the lesser conservatives with the true rightwing extremists is truly pitiful and idiotic. That most Americans actually believe that the lesser conservatives are “socialists”* is sad and sorry and makes you wonder how the American IQ can be so high. On the other hand, this is the way things have been in Latin America for over a century now.
*Polls show that Americans are about as retarded as Latin Americans who have long been the stupidest people on Earth. As an example, 53% of American idiots say that moderate conservative Barack Obama is a socialist. That’s almost like saying the Earth is flat.