Hello ♡ Today I have a fun blogpost that will be asking yourself "Why?" "Why did I spend so much money on something when I could of gotten something better for a cheaper price?" This post is all about hair oils and not just any hair oils, Indian Hair Oils.
I don't think I ever mentioned this, but I am actually Pakistani! My mom is really traditional in the sense she always wants things done the old ways. One thing she always stressed to me was perfect hair: long, thick, and black. That was here definition of perfect hair, but now hair is celebrated in all different shapes and forms. I kind of defied her by cutting my hair shorter, but that is ok :D
When the hype around Moroccan/Argan Oil came out I was so confused why people bought it for it's ridiculous prices, $40 dollars, seriously. Then, I realized that a lot of people probably don't know about Indian Hair Oil. That is why I am here!
When I am referring to hair oil, I am referring any hair oil bought at the Indian Store or is all natural. You can literally just type in 'Indian Store' on Google Maps to get directions to your nearest one. Why you should buy a Indian/Pakistaini/Bengali Hair Oil ?Price - Since India is considered a developing nation, labor is repetitively cheap there. That makes some products very cheap as the hair oil above, which is only $6.00 plus tax. Natural - The Desi (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh area) oils are known for their natural ingredients making the oils really healthy. Chemicals are not traditional in Ayurvedic( all natural ) hair treatments.Navratna OilThis oil is what I have been using for the past year. It is made with all natural herbs to help strengthen, soften, and help hair. It has also an intense cooling effect that helps open up pores and helps hair grow. Here are all the effects/reliefs it has:- Stress and tension- Headache and Migraine- Sleeplessness- Body ache and joint pain- Premature hair fall and unnatural baldness - Scalp ailments viz. dandruff and itching- Minor burns, cuts and burns- Sprain and muscular pain- Tiredness by toning up muscles and nerves
How I apply oil First, I brush my hair and heat my oil in a microwave safe bowl for twenty seconds because heat helps your hair grow. I section my hair top from bottom and start applying oil to my scalp because I suffer from product build up and dandruff. I do this with both sections. Then, I apply the oil root to tip and brush it all out. Note: you should separate the brush you used to comb out your oily hair from others to makes sure your not just applying oil back to your hair. Then I wait a few hours up to a day to really let the oil sink in and I wash it out with shampoo.Once you do this you will notice you hair will be silkier and smoother and prone to less breakage. You can also use other oils such as coconut, almond, olive, and any other all natural oil. I hope this post helped you on journey to better looking hair. I also want you to join my giveaway I am hosting, where you can get the eyeshadow palette of your choice. Join here!! Also, follow me on twitter and any other of my social media accounts, so we can talk and become best friends ^_^ I will also have a post about sponsors in a few days, so if you are looking to spread your blog name, sponsor me and have your banner is my sidebar for more than ten-thousand people to see monthly! Au Revoir ❄Have you ever tried Indian Hair Oil, if so what do you think?Does your blog offer sponsorships?xo, L