Why do Indian Women Have Huge Egos?
by Magneto
I’ve often pondered this question and been a bit dumbfounded by it. One reason why it confuses me is because Indian women are probably the second most unattractive women on this planet, with the first being African women. How is it that a very ugly race of women walks around thinking they are God’s gift to humanity? The only reason a White man would find Indian women attractive is if he has a fetish for them. Otherwise, I remember back when I was more attracted to White women, it seemed that Indian women were literally invisible to me. I didn’t even register them on the attraction scale.
The main reason for this is due to how desperate and thirsty most Indian men are. By thirsty I mean they have zero game at all and will just write out stupid shit on Indian girls’ public Facebook or Instagram profiles like, “Hey, I wanna talk to you” or something like that. Never mind that she is a complete stranger and probably has 1,000s of men messaging her.
Actually I did a test once to confirm this. I created a fake Indian female account on Facebook along with a couple of pictures of an Indian woman. Within three days I had gotten over 500 messages. I also did the same for OKCupid, an online dating site. I created a fake profile of an Indian girl, and within 24 hours, I had reached the 300 message storage limit. This is called Indian male thirst.
Put yourself in the woman’s place. If you have literally 1,000’s of men messaging you, you are naturally going to develop an abundance mentality and not put much importance on any one man, since you know that you can find a new man within seconds. On the other extreme, Indian men are operating out of a scarcity mentality and think they are lucky to get just one or two replies from a girl.
It’s therefore natural for women to develop “bitch shields” when they are being hit on from 1,000’s of different men. Unfortunately it ruins it for men who have Game because it makes it a lot harder to approach such women. Are there any solutions to solving male thirst? I’ve thought of a few solutions.
- Men need to stop putting women on a pedestal and thinking of women as some lofty creature
- Men need to develop an abundance mentality in relation to women. This will solve the problem of stalking because an Indian man won’t put all of his efforts on one woman anymore and thus the tendency to send 100s of messages to the same girl will vanish
- Legalize prostitution so that any male who wants sex can get it by simply paying for it.
Implementing these solutions will not be easy though, as women enjoy their privileged positions. Taking women off of the pedestal that thirsty men have put them on will require some fight. After all, there is nothing more empowering for men than to legalize prostitution and thus create a sexual abundance market. Therefore it’s not surprising to know that it was primarily Christian women who demanded that prostitution as well as drugs, alcohol, and gambling should be made illegal back in the 1920’s.
On this topic, there is a very intelligent Indian blogger named Rookh Ksatriya who has written a few articles talking about how Christianity and feminism are intertwined because they both share common values like sexual repression. I’ve also wondered why feminism seems to take hold very strongly in some countries but not others. For example, let us take the countries of East Asia like Japan or South Korea and compare them to America and Europe. Both East Asia and the West are highly advanced technologically, but feminism and Cultural Marxism have only caught on in the West, whereas in East Asia, it really isn’t very strong at all.
The primary differences between these two geographic areas are race and religion. Ignoring race, Western countries are founded on Christian values, whereas East Asia is founded on Buddhist or atheistic values. The question could therefore be asked – Does Christianity put women on a massive pedestal? Another interesting point is that as Europe has been moving away from the values of Christianity for the past few decades, society has been becoming less repressed, and drugs, marijuana, and prostitution are legalized in a few European countries now.
Hinduism as a religion and culture puts women on the highest pedestal ever in history, far higher than Christianity ever did. And that might be the explanation for why women in India are put on such massive pedestals, with society considering them to be “living Goddesses.” It doesn’t take a degree in psychology or sociology to understand that if you’ve been put on a massive pedestal your whole life and told you are a Goddess, of course you are going to develop a massive ego and act very rude towards people.
As we continue to pull the old Gods off of their pillars, it will also have the effect of bringing all humans down closer to the earth. Humanity has had its head in the clouds for so many thousands of years now that it’s time to come back down to earth and realize that the Divine exists right here on Earth. This is the missing key in all religions.
In the East it is known as Tantra. In the West it is known as the “Left Hand Path” or Luciferianism. It’s also interesting to note that the rise of these ideas began in the West around the same time as the mass usage of LSD and other psychedelic drugs became popular in the 1960’s. I remember when I was on LSD, I had the realization, “We are all Gods and this Earth itself is Heaven”. When you realize something on acid, it’s not like something theoretical, like you maybe think this is true. It’s a realization that is coming from the core of your being with complete conviction.
With this understanding, you do not put any person higher or lower than another. If women are Goddesses then men are Gods and therefore equal.