Politics Magazine

Why Daily Kos Gets Brackets

Posted on the 17 April 2017 by Calvinthedog

Here. From a link that Beauregard said was evidence that Daily Kos did not need brackets. Well, yeah they do.

Barring demonstration to the contrary, DK and many contributors more or less supports sufficient intervention in Syria to have Assad deposed.

Daily Kos hates Tulsi Gabbard. I mean hates hates hates hates hates her. Because she tells it like it is in Syria. She says AssadPutin is the good guy and the rebels are the bad guys. She says we should not be intervening to support Al Qaeda and ISIS, which is what we are doing. Yes, the US is using ISIS and Al Qaeda to try to get rid of Assad. Why does Assad have to go? Ahem, becauase (((a certain group of people))) insist that he must. (((These))) are the only people in the US who want him gone. The US insists Assad is a threat to the United States. LOL! How is he a threat to us? Is that some sort of a joke? That depends on which United States you are talking about.

Is he a threat to the United States? Of course not, how ridiculous!
Is he a threat to the (((United States)))? Well of course he is!

You see, (((some people))) have convinced us that all of the enemies of (((these people))) are also the enemies of America. But that’s not true. They’re their enemies, not ours. Unless you say there is no America and all there is is (((America))), in which case it makes sense. (((Those people))) and (((America))) simply become one and the same, inseparable, interchangeble, identical twins, euphemisms for each other.

Well, you know what? I think the name of our country should be the United States. Turning the country’s name into the (((United States))) or “USreal” is not acceptable. Why don’t (((those people))) go fight their own wars, dammit? Why are we fighting all these wars for (((2% of the population)))? Who runs this country anyway?

Any American who thinks this any of the things below automatically gets brackets, ok? No questions asked.

  • Russia is evil and must be fought.
  • Iran is the enemy.
  • Iran must be stopped and regime changed.
  • Iranian expansionism in the Middle East must be stopped!
  • Iran’s fake nuclear program must be halted, and if they don’t we will bomb them.

Iran is not our enemy. Iran is not the enemy. Iran does not even have any aggressive designs on any Arab state. The idea that Iran is a threat to US security is asinine! But then, if the name of the country is not the US, but the (((US))), then of course Iran is a threat to us.

Do you think Hezbollah is the enemy? Do you think Hezbollah is one of the greatest threats to our nation, as the Pentagon insanely believes? Congratulations! You just won yourself  a brand new set of sparkling brackets!

If you hate Russia and think Putin is the enemy, in my opinion, you get brackets. It’s true that this is simply the opinion of US imperialism, the Pentagon, the Deep State and only Soviet haters and Left haters. On the other hand, this is also one of the worst enemies of a certain group of people. Anyway, those phrases are really spelled (((US imperialism))), the (((Pentagon))), the (((Deep State))), the (((Soviet haters))) and the (((Left haters))).

Hell, even the Washington Establishment is really spelled (((Washington Establishment))). There are no borders between any of those things. Israel-firstism and hardline Zionism are set in stone principles of every one of those entities bracketed in the paragraph above. At this point, Israel-firstism and radical Zionism are as American as Mom, the flag, apple pie and baseball. I assume at some future time, we will have to start bracketing those beloved Americanisms too. There seems no end to the creeping Zionization of the US Establishment. Maybe we should just end the charade, merge the two countries into one and be done with it.

So to answer the question above, of course (((Daily Kos))) gets brackets! They support military action against and regime change of Assad’s government. That means I’m going to put those damn brackets on them faster than you can say, “Cheese.”

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