Trash: JASON Y
I think the big issue is the lack of sympathy that middle-class children of the suburbs like myself feel for people that started families too young and left school too soon and took to many drugs because they just were not that bright.
I realize that you and to a lesser extent Jason utterly despise the White working class. The venom with which Trash and other White middle class commenters on here talk about White working class people is breathtaking.
I have had liberal Democrats tell me how they love these trade deals. “The only people who oppose them are the blue collars. The union people. Factory workers. Those are the only people who are against them. Everyone else is for them. Fuck them. Who cares about them? We don’t have any working class in this country anymore anyway, so who cares about these trade deals?” Liberal Democrats also told me that these trade deals are good for California, and how they are good for California because we are such a multicultural state, as if that was a wonderful thing. Most liberal Democrats that I talk to support all of these trade deals, including the TIPP. They’re all DNC Clintonistas.
Most of these people graduated from college. I think a lot of these liberal Democrat Whites in the cities and on the coasts harbor the typical disdain for working class Whites that people like this have always had.
I will say though that considering the way these liberal Democrats talk about working class Whites, good God, is it any wonder they are all voting Republican?