Life Coach Magazine

Where to Start and How to Get It Done!

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

Ali Lawrence of Mar-Com has so graciously passed the “pen” my way. You all know Ali from being a Contributor on My Girly Parts as well as some other blogs, but let us not forget, her very own pleasure dome, Mar-Com. If you haven’t visited Mar-Com, I highly recommend you do!

Welcome to the I C Publishing Summer Blog Tour

I C Publishing Summer Blog Tour

The I C Publishing Summer Blog Tour #icblogtour is a way to get to meet writers and find out their writing techniques.  I C Publishing asks a few simple questions; we answer them; then pass the “pen” along to someone we deem worthy. Thank you again to Ali for deeming me worthy. :)

So Let’s Get This Party Started!

How do you start your writing projects?

All of my posts stems from life experiences, my surroundings, and/or dreams. It always starts with an “idea” and some brief content, which is easy to build on. After researching a bit, if necessary depending on topic, I next look for my images. After I compile all my images, I’ll edit them as necessary, Now don’t get me wrong, during this whole process I’m secretively thinking of titles but usually won’t name my article until all is said and done. Having self-diagnosed A.D.D., if I started with a title, it would be renamed over a dozen times before the article is even published. :)

How do you continue your projects?

Sometimes I will let the article sit for a day or two, come back to it and edit; possibly adding more content or deleting some of it. This is the bothersome phase for me. When I begin editing, sometimes I do more harm than good. I’ll get frustrated with what I’ve done and totally ax the article. Or I may let it lay a little longer for when I’m calm and come back to resort the monster I created. Inspiration has to be in full force during my writing process. One of the reasons it has taken me so long to acknowledge Ali passing the pen along to me was simply because I feel less than inspired to complete start the project. Continuing a project or multiple projects, which is mostly what I’m doing now days, sometimes causes me to get impatient. When that happens, and I am aware of it, the project must be halted for fear of an utter flop of a project. Come on, do we all get it perfect the first time?

How do you finish your projects?

Before hitting that blasted PUBLISH button, I’ll take one or two more glances at it, add my signature to the article and either SCHEDULE it or PUBLISH right then and there. It would be nice to have my own Editor, like Ali Lawrence, but with good friends like Lisa Buben right there, I don’t worry too much. Some one or many of my loyal readers and friends will definitely know if I’ve made a boo boo or not! Thank goodness for that EDIT button!

So in a nutshell,

  1. I dream it
  2. I write it
  3. I get images
  4. I edit
  5. I title
  6. I edit
  7. I schedule or publish

Mind you, the project is never really totally complete! Once you PUBLISH, the project continues as now it’s time to PROMOTE the article on social media. That can take days, weeks, months, or more, depending on how long you want your article to circulate the web. ;)

Include one challenge or additional tip that our Community could benefit from


Publish what YOU want. Yes, we have to write what are readers want to read however, we still need to be TRUE to ourselves. Don’t Be Afraid to publish a little controversy in your articles. A good discussion topic will bring lots of shares and comments! ;)

Now to pass the “pen” along to someone I deem worthy. This one was actually a no-brainer for me because this girly has come a long way in her writing. She amazes me with her articles; inspires me to pursue my dreams and goals; and it really one terrific Mom! Without further adieu, and if she is willing to accept, I’d like to pass my “pen” along to

Passing it

Cori, please don’t feel obligation, but do know that you are an inspiration and I’d really love to know your writing process!

Thanks for listening all! Care to share yours?

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