Hunting with a bow can be a really exhilarating experience. You’re out there without too much technology and you’re trying to take down something. However, there are a certain set of challenges associated with this. It’s not just about the bow that you’ve decided on or the kind of bolts that you have purchased. You have to consider how you’re going to take down the deer.
There are multiple angles that you can approach a deer from and you should consider all of the different ways that you will see a deer. This will allow you to be prepared when you spot a deer out in the wild. We’ll be walking you through a number of these angles as well as giving you advice on where to aim in general. You might not be able to really analyze the situation, so follow the general rules if you’re in a pinch.

The Different Angles
The different angles are important, but a lot of hunters focus on just the broadside of the deer. Make sure that you don’t fall into this trap by reading not just the broadside help, but all of the other angles that you can approach deer from. This will make sure that you are prepared when you get out into the woods.

You will be aiming at the top portion of the bottom third. But you’ll also want to be aiming roughly three inches behind the spot where the deer’s shoulder meets its body. If you aim correctly, you will find that the arrow will actually go completely through the deer. However, this spot and most of the area around it are vital organs. If you hit them in this spot, then you will be extremely likely to take them down.
Quartering Away

You will have a larger target to aim at. You will be aiming at a similar spot to the broadside angle, but you’ll want to aim closer to the middle deer instead of towards the front of the deer. Even if you don’t hit right into the correct spot, you will be able to hit at least one vital organ and you will be able to take down without too many issues.
Quartering Toward

This angle is not the greatest for hunting with a bow, but you can work with it if this is the only angle that you can get while you’re out hunting.
Straight Ahead
The straight ahead angle is when the deer is facing you. You will not want to try and hit the deer with a crossbow with this as the only angle that you have. There’s almost no way to hit the vital organs and effectively take down the deer. Instead of trying to fire, you will want to wait and see if you can get another angle on the deer where you have a better shot at actually hitting the vital organs.
You will also not want to shoot when the deer is facing completely away from you. There’s just no way to effectively take down the deer from that angle. If you cannot see the side of the deer, then you will want to wait and see if you can get a better angle.
Differences in Altitude
When you’re hunting, regardless of with a bow or a gun, you will probably find yourself on some hills or maybe you’ll even be hunting from a tree. The difference in altitude between you and the deer can complicate how you fire your bow. You will want to keep the same spots in mind, but you might have to angle your bow dramatically. The aim with most of these shots is either to cleanly take it down or at least leave an exit wound through your deer. An exit and entry wound will allow you follow your deer and finish the job without too much difficulty.
General Rules
Whenever you’re shooting a deer, you want to be able to see the side. The side will allow you to hit more vital organs. You should also be aiming at the lower part of the deer. Lower down is where all of the vital organs are. There are also fewer bones that will get in your way. However, you should make it a goal to try and make a clean entry and exit wound. Even if the shot doesn’t take down the deer, the two wounds will allow the blood trail to be clearer and easier to follow through the woods.
Hunting with a bow is an exhilarating prospect, but you’ll want to make sure that you’re getting the best angle possible when you’re trying to take down the deer. Hopefully, the help we’ve outlined here will allow you to get a better idea of how to get a clean shot on your deer. And even if you can’t get the perfect angle, you should be able to work with what you got. Hunting isn’t just about the weapon you have, but waiting for the perfect opportunity to take down your deer.