I love a picture that sums up a race perfectly.
I am not sure what is going on here, but I do know I felt like crap the entire 16,404 feet of this Colder Boulder 5K race last weekend.
Some races are just like that. Some runs are just like that.
Maybe it’s because a pony tail is shooting out of my ear.
Or, better yet it’s because my shirt is riding up and I had gas pains (sorry woman behind me).
I used to get really attached to all of my runs and races. If they sucked, then that meant I sucked as a runner. Now, I just see these experiences as part of being a long-term runner. There will be a”it” days and there will be “shit” days. Move on from the bad and keep a positive mind.
That said, here are 5 reasons your run might have sucked today…and how to move forward (I posted something similar about a year and a half ago…always a good reminder!(
1. You’re More Dehydrated Today – It doesn’t have to be hot as hell outside for you to feel the effects of dehydration. Even in the winter and springtime, you’ve got to make sure you’re drinking enough. The trick is not just to drink while running, but to start your run already hydrated.
How do you know if you’re drinking enough? Instead of focusing on the number of ounces consumed, I like to go by this rule of thumb (or “rule of pee” as I like to call it) - make sure you urinate at least six times per day and that your piss looks like the lemonade that you get at a kid’s lemonade stand (very pale, watered down).
Don’t know how much to drink while you run? Check out these guidelines {source}:
2. You’re More Stressed Today – Stress can really mess with you and zap all of your energy stores. When you are stressed, your body becomes WAY out of balance. This can lead to all sorts of physical and emotional conditions like headaches, GI distress, loss of appetite, racing thoughts, poor judgment, worrying, overeating, cheat pain and elevated blood pressure.
No wonder your run feels difficult – you are not only carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, but your physical body is breaking down.
It is true that many/most of us use running as a means of relieving stress. And, it works. However, when we start our runs already very stressed out, our energy level and physical sensations may be gravely affected. Just be prepared.
3. You Didn’t Sleep Last Night – I am sure I don’t have to tell you how important sleep is. In fact, I wrote an article on the effects that lack of sleep has on running performance (view it HERE). Basically, without proper sleep, your body doesn’t recover as well from previous workouts. Your immune system can become compromised making your more susceptible to illness. And guess what? You simply FEEL MORE TIRED when you try to run (<I am so incredibly smart).
4. You Overindulged Last Night – I don’t know about you, but I run much better when I’ve paid attention to my my eating the night before and the hours leading up to my run. It’s not rocket science to know that your body has to work harder to digest fatty, heavy foods than it does leaner, lighter foods. Also, richer roods can lead to more stomach upset, which can absolutely cause you to feel sluggish during your run (and to maybe have to make more pit stops). Other items such as dairy-based foods, berries, chocolate and alcohol can also be difficult to digest and cause heartburn and acid reflux (and keep in mind that even healthy foods like broccoli and cabbage can lead to stomach distress/gas).
5. You Have a Bad Attitude Today– Let’s face it. Some days you just do not feel like being out there. That’s just human nature. However, it is amazing how quickly those negative thoughts affect your physical well being and immediately zap your energy.
In my case, I fell prey to numbers 1, 2, 3 & 5 during my 5K race.
The good news is that 97.6% of bad runs are followed by good runs (I made that up, but I am sure it is true). I think this is because the sucky run was so sucky that your expectations for the next run are LOW. Having low expectations can sometimes be a good thing because you are usually pleasantly surprised. The moral of the story is - don’t get discouraged. Some runs are just harder than others. Control what you can (sleep, hydration, fueling, attitude) and keep pushing on.
When was your last sucky run?