
When You Can't Express Your Feelings

Posted on the 22 February 2014 by Sakshi Raina @capturesunshyne
When you can't express your feelings

Lately I have been running short of words on how do I exactly feel at the given moment. There is so much going on in my life and I seem to have mixed emotions regarding the same. Being quite busy these days, I did not even took out some time for myself to think over what exactly is going on in my life and why am I feeling this way. Tonight it rained and I love rain. So I spent some time watching the rain and thinking about the problems. Here is what I figured out:

We all want to stay happy throughout so when we feel confused or sad, we want to resolve it as soon as possible and feel better. We tend to convince ourselves that we are fine but in the long run it just keeps on making things worse.
While telling yourself that you're strong and fine is a great motivator, it actually tries to convince yourself that you're fine when you're clearly not and then that means you're lying to yourself when you already know the truth. It's stupid plus shoving your feelings away has never doing any good to anyone.
Accept your feelings
The first step in solving any problem is admitting that there is a problem. Get true to yourself and figure out exactly how you feel. Are you sad, angry, confused, nervous, scared?  Get your feeling out in front of you and admit that you feel them and you have already won half of the battle.
Find the source of this feeling
Figure out what led you to feel this way? Go back in time and find out. All feelings do have a source.
Take time
No feeling is permanent but it does take time to heal. Let your emotions take its course and soon it will pass.
But what if you know how you feel but you're not able to say it?

Why can't you ?
That is because you're scared of rejection and ending up alone that you would swallow up your feelings and won't let the other person know or you're hopeless about the situation and are convinced that no matter what you do or say, it won't make things better. These are the only reason I feel stops people to express their feelings to someone else.
Now since you know the reasons, don't fence yourself in. Stay Open. It's okay to be vulnerable. Stay honest and don't sugarcoat anything and let the magic happen *wink*.
Have you experienced such a time when you can't express yourself? What did you do?

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