I would like to start my blog with my late husband’s favorite quote:
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the tings I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.
When I am having a down day, I start off by having a glass of soda water. Then I treat myself to some chocolate and go for a brisk walk. I :call a friend who makes me laugh. I might call another who makes me feel good about myself.
I listen to my favorite music. I spend ten minutes browsing through snapshots of people I love. check out facebook, send emails to friends and family and I know that when I clean up the clutter in my apartment it helps me feel useful, especially if I get rid of things I will never use nor wear. I wear clothes that I feel good in and I offer to babysit my adorable grandchildren.
And then I feel ready to face the day and find all the positive things in my life. And there are many.