By the age of 50, if you even make it that far, most men will have experienced at least one man trying to kill them. Now me, I have not had just one man try to kill me. I have had four different men try to kill me. When those incidents happened, I simply tried to kill them and then escaped. That’s what you have to do when someone’s trying to kill you. Somebody’s going to die, and the Hell if it’s going to be me. When someone is trying to kill you, you have to either:
- Take their weapon away from them, if they have one, and then threaten them or attack them with it.
- Kill them.
- Knock them out, unconscious or nearly so.
- Put them out of commission (injure them so badly that he can’t get up and come after you).
#1 is hard to do, as they don’t always have weapons. All of the men who tried to kill me had only fists and feet as weapons.
As far as I can tell, out of the four men who tried to kill me, I got one of them, and the result was #4, though I was trying for #2 of course. I hit him with my vehicle. Why? Because he was trying to kill me, that’s why! He went flying in the air, limbs all akimbo, just like in the movies. I took off in the vehicle immediately afterwards, and I didn’t stick around to do a damage assessment. There were too many homicidal maniacs back there (his equally insane friends) around to do that. I think I broke a bone or two though. I certainly hope so. Getting hit by a vehicle is a pretty serious way to take a blow, and serious injuries and deaths are common.
And once you do either 1-4 above, you:
- Get the Hell out of there as fast as possible.
This is because if you only #4’d him, he can always pick himself up and come after you, and if he catches you, he will try to kill you again. And now it’s a case of who runs faster, which is always as a bad bet in life. Even if you killed him or knocked him out, he may well have some equally homicidal friends either at the scene or soon to arrive there who want to kill you just as bad as he did.
Afterwards, you have to decide whether to go to the police or not. I chose not to go to the police, which I think was a wise move. Besides, I don’t think I killed him anyway, though I certainly hope I did. I think I just broke one or more limbs of his. So you have a choice of:
- Go to the police and report that you just killed someone, knocked someone out or tried to kill them and only hurt them in self-defense as they were trying to kill you at the time.
- Don’t go to the police. Just get the Hell out of there and try to forget about it.
I chose #2, and I think it was a wise move.
There may be cases where you either need to do #1 or you might want to do #1, but I can’t think of a lot of them. If you have a dead body on your property, you have to go to the police obviously. If you kill someone in some public place like a nightclub, the management might want you to stick around to tell the police what happened. If you are in public and there’s a crowd, I am not sure what to do. Sometimes you had probably better stick around. Other times, you need to get away. But if their friends are still on your property, in the nightclub or in the crowded public place and they are trying to kill you or may be trying to kill you, you just have escape and deal with the injured or dead man later.
As a general rule if there was hardly anyone around, I would probably just get the Hell our of there, even if I killed a man. Who wants to deal with the cops? You just killed a man in self-defense and now you want to deal with the cops? Why?
posted on 05 June at 19:23
What the Heck? That openning statement about men trying to kill you is just insane! Where do you live? I'm almost 50 and no one has ever tried to kill me!