July 25, 2013, admin, Crafts, Family, Play, , 2
Craft activity – Making a Clock
Little Mr A has become a little bit obsessed with knowing what time it is recently and constantly asks. Although he is slowly picking up how to tell the time he struggles with anything other than the actual hour or half past the hour. Whichever the hand is closet to he says that is the time and can’t understand the concept of, say for instance, 7 o’clock still being 10 minutes away.
I remembered I had a circle of card in our craft stash so I thought it would be a really good idea to sit down with him and make a clock we could practice with.
It was extremely easy to make. Little Mr A coloured in the clock face with his crayons whilst I made two hands out of thin card. I then wrote the numbers onto the clock and inserted the hands onto the middle of the clock using a split pin.
On the back I have written the numbers again, this time with what amount either past the hour or too the hour it is. The intention is that he can either look at the clock in the kitchen and work out from his clock what time it is or we can practice with the other side of the clock.
He does understand what the two different hands mean so I’m hoping within a couple of weeks I will have a little boy who can tell the time all by himself and I will stop hearing ‘What time is it Mummy’ every 5 minutes!