Fashion Magazine

What’s Occurring: 2015 Resolutions

By Ninegrandstudent

I really enjoyed having a long list of resolution to work towards last year, I actually remember most of them throughout the year and felt I progressed better than just having a couple of aims. So I’ve done the same this year, and here they are.

What’s Occurring: 2015 Resolutions

Image: The Sassy Writer


Try and keep up my blogging schedule. I’ve really enjoyed posting 4 or 5 times a week, and I feel that the writing really fits in with my day-to-day life. My promise is that I’ll try to never get stressed about getting a post up, and nothing will ever be rushed or forced.

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I definitely want to work more on photography, as that’s something I really enjoy doing. I received a 50mm lens from my Grandparents for Christmas, and whilst it’s really difficult to use, I’m really enjoying some of the results I’m getting.

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Continue to expand my repertoire – joints of meat is something I’m determined to master. I’m also looking forward to cooking more curries from scratch, and baking more bread.

I’m also trying to move away from lunchtime sandwiches. Whilst working I have the luxury of a fridge and a microwave. So far I’ve stuck to homemade soups and stews, but once things warm up I have some exciting salads I want to try. Any suggestions for interesting soups are also welcome – I’d love to master a freezable chowder.

I try not to mention on here, but I have some pretty nasty tummy issues. They’ve been there on and off since I was 1, but have been horrific for the last 2 years. After 7 months of waiting lists, I finally saw a consultant just before Christmas. I’ve completely overhauled my approach, changed medication, and have been given some serious dietary advice. In all honesty, he thought my diet was damn good. But the changes include less tea, and more protein. The biggest change is to make sure I drink enough, and mainly water. I’m sitting here with lemon infused water and shaking from tea withdrawal. So dealing with this is definitely a resolution I have to work on!


As I’m on placement until July this is a bit of a tricky one! I want to gain more experience over the summer, this time in life insurance, so fingers crossed I get an internship. Once I’m back at university I really want to put my head down and power through final year – 9-5 working will hopefully stay normal for me so I can have a strong line between study and rest.

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Start running. Its been a resolution for years, but having bought the gear in November (prior to dropping cupboard door on foot) I really have no excuse. Plus I’ll be wasting money if I don’t go, which is something I hate. My consultant has also told me I need to exercise more as it will really help; due to my condition I don’t often have the energy, but it’s a push I’m really going to have to make. I’m thinking yoga and gentle weights for now, building stamina up gradually.

I also want to keep a diary. I’ve ordered a five year one, so I’m really hoping I will keep it up. I had a lovely idea of keeping strips of paper with memories on in a jar, but realistically I doubt that would work when I move up and down the country to/from university and placements a couple of times a year.

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Work towards as-perfect-as-I-can-get skin. Keep taking makeup off every night, moisturize regularly, and possibly find a serum that works for me. The big one though? Disgusting I know, but I really should stop picking spots!

I also want to clean powder brushes more regularly. I was really good last year at keeping my foundation brush clean (read: not using it) and washing eye-shadow brushes. Powder brushes I was awful at, and it was only when I borrowed my mum’s of the same brand and type over Christmas that I realized how disgusting mine was. Its not been washed and feels so much better!

Fingers crossed I manage to achieve at least some of these. The main ones are diet/exercise improvements as I know deep down the health benefits I will get will be worth it. But keeping a diary is something I’m really keen to do, maintain memories is so important to me for so many reasons.

As I was writing the post anyway, I thought I’d enter it into the Silentnight New Year’s Sleep Resolutions competition

What are your New Year’s Resolutions? Do you normally achieve them?

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