Outside Poughkeepsie, NY
I have been thinking lately of what makes me happy.
I've decided not to settle for less than what genuinely makes me happy. Eating well, spending time with friends, traveling, talking to friends and catching up especially if I haven't seen them in quite some time...
And laughing.
I decided laughing isn't underrated. I just need to find stuff that makes me laugh more.
I was sitting in a room today at breakfast time , in public and the laughter of a little kid just reminded me that I don't giggle enough . And also- how much I love the laughter of little ones.
Stopping and choosing to smile is a conscious decision, these days. I chose to smile with great intent when I joined my church, when i married my husband, when I found two special friends who made me smile... a lot. I chose to smile when I sat in this beautiful garden space this morning.

Choosing to set myself in places that make me feel happy, and comfortable and loved, are important. So I must commit to more. Join me as I think about what makes me happy, daily, weekly... if you haven't asked yourself very intentionally - " what makes me smile?"
Then you need to begin.
But giggle a little too... be giddy.
It's quite alright.☺️