Politics Magazine

What Language Is This?

Posted on the 24 September 2014 by Calvinthedog

Here is a new one. This language is rather obscure, and I am not sure if you have heard of it, but you might have. the people who speak it are fairly famous and have been for centuries now. It probably has hundreds of thousands of speakers and is one of two official languages in the land where it is spoken. It is not spoken a real long ways from Europe if you catch my drift.

I even included a lexicon and pronunciation guide because a lot of you are sort of slow…Have fun!


Ts’exem ts’e g’aziqhaxhu k’epih’axer g’ichachtem, ts’yt’ ye zi ts’ere zi xuedaqhare ye zi ts’ere zi g’axhuiqhare zegueh’aw psalhe zeguetxer g’ichuixhuxem, psalhe zepic’axer g’ichuixhuxem; ya ts’e psalhepqxem ya pe maqilhxem zi “a” h’arf xetiw g’aag’uew chitime ha h’arfim “e” maqk’e doger, ya ts’e psalhepqxem ya pe maqilhxem “aa” h’arfyt’ xetiw g’aag’uew chitime ha h’arfyt’im “a k’ec’” maqk’e doger.

Ha psalhexer ye psalhe zepic’axer g’ichixhuxem; ya ts’e psalhepqxem ya pe maqilhxem ha ya maq uixer zeg’uek’xemy, habixem ya h’arfxer zedmixhuek’iw dotxir. Ts’e wineeyxer, g’axhuiqha psalhepqxem k’epih’a ye ts’e g’aagueh’aw g’axhu ts’exer; ya maqxer g’izeryk’xem xuedew dotxir. Haxer, “Txik’em” yi tejwydxers.

xabzecxue, guawecxue, bajafe, zawejh, tanachh’a, g’aafe lhap’e g’aafejh, pasereey, xade k’ih’, adexek’, pxhuantec’e, malhxhaqhu, maxue k’ec’, bzagyaqha, tanexhu, c’alef’, tanalhxue, pselhenibze pselhek’e


A. Maq uixer:

1. Maq ui zeecexer:
..a, ..aa, ..e, ..ee, ..i, ..o, ..u, ..uu, ..y

(2). Maq ui guek’xer:

(a). Maq ui guek’ zaquexer:

(I). Psalhexem ya pe maqxew g’ichig’uexem:
a, aa, ee, i, o, uu, y.

(II). K’elhig’ue maqxew g’ichig’uexem:
-a, -aa, -ee, -i, -o, -u, -uu, -y.

(b). Maq ui guek’ zeguetxer:

(I). Psalhexem ya pe maqxew g’ichig’uexem:
ua, ue, uee, ui, uy.

(II). K’elhig’ue maqxew g’ichig’uexem:
-ua, -ue, -uee, -ui, -uy.

(B). Maq de-uxer:

(1). Maq de-u xuytxer:
b, c, ch, d, dz, f, g, gy, gu, gh, i, j, jh, k, ky , ku, l, lh, m, n, p, q, qu, qh, qhu, r, s, t, ts, v, w, x, xu, xh, xhu, y, z.

(2). Maq de-u xuizaxer:
c’, f, g, g’u, h, k’, l’, p’, q’, q’u , t’, ts’.



1. “Txik’er yeg’u g’axhuiw” jizi-axem, pejiw ja-ar-am. Ha psalher, habi hatk’e dy f’ech xhuin xueey-am. Ha txik’er zerideemig’uir, mibdeejim g’ichit-uatew mys g’idoqhalhaqhuir: neqhuec’ bzexem xuemidew maq de-u kued yi-as. bzexemy xuemidew, maq de-u h’arf kued zixet maqilh zy-a psalhexemre hapxuede psalhexem ya zeeh’aniqhaxemre yikueds.

Zadew yitxhaa form zy-a h’arfxer zykued Txik’em; maq de-u h’arf kued zixet maqilh zy-a psalhexemre hapxuede psalhexem ya zeeh’aniqhaxemre zykued yi txiqhaxer, yiryquiw “yegeqhuaf’ere zeeh’aqhuaf’ere” g’yqhaxhuif-am. Yi txiqhaxer yiryquiw “yegeqhuaf’ere zeeh’aqhuaf’ere” g’azimiqhaxhu txik’e systemimk’e txa “txik’e qhuazemre grameerimre psalhalhemre;”, yiryquiw “zeeh’aqhuaf’e” g’aaqhaxhuif-am. Yiryquiw zeeh’aqhuaf’e g’amixhua; zeeh’anir, xeqhaxhuenir, qhapsewinir guiqhu mexhuir.

Habi chh’ak’e Slav Txik’er; Slav Bzexem zareeg’uxem xuedew yeg’u g’axhu-am. Slav Txik’em, qha 80 lhandere yimiqhabawew yeeth’aler. Har yigyi yiqhal’enim nesas. Naxuew witikuim yit ha g’axhug’aac’er; dimiguivew tlhaqhuifin xueeys.

2. L’eme, habi g’yqhaxhua Kuilturiry l’enus. Kuilturir, Duneeyim daxaqha g’ixezilhh’a zi kuilturs. Kuilturir g’aziqhaxhua mil’eme, nexhif’ xhuinuwe solhiter.

3. “Txik’er” g’azi-uate txiqhaxer, nipic’awe nifxuizoqhah’ir.

4. “Txik’er;” Bzec’eniqhalejhxem yilhesychem c’yqhu zi zeman pc’onde zek’elhh’awijhiw zedelajhexew zeqhuisew witikuim g’iraqhah’aawe, yi txiqhaxer yiryquiw “yegeqhuaf’ere zeeh’aqhuaf’ere” g’aziqhaxhuif, sit xuedyziw zeridaxer g’aziqhalhaqhuif, alternatyfince txik’e system zaques.

5. Psewifin chh’ak’e; xamexem, ziguerxem
g’aak’elhitmig’uih’iw, haxem zadmiqhaqhaguivew, zerijilew “Txik’er” zeeth’awe dixueejhen xueey g’oxhuir. “Txik’er” dy c’exiw yadqhats’ixuiw yadqhac’efin chh’ak’e, zyk’ parere pulire xueey g’azimiqhaxhu zi uexuiqhue tincir zerijilew tc’en xueey

Tekylyf nifxuesc’ ha uexuiqhue tincir miras: Nipic’a txiqhaxem g’ichi-ueta “Txik’er;” tts’ixu psomy yalhedqha-asiw yadivqhaqhaac’e. c’aleqhualexem; ya wisexer, ya weredxer, ya ci-yrxer, Txik’emk’e yatxin zerixueeyir tekylyf yaxuidevqhac’. Zyk’ dimiguivew “Txik’er” dy ts’ig’uxem yadivqhaqhaac’e.

6. Ha dy uexuiqhue lhap’er, zerijilew zec’iqhuiw, c’ex didew dqhazec’en zerixueeyimk’e, psomy sinivolhe-uir!

7. Zeripsewinim pejiw dixueeyiwe chitime, ha dy uexuiqhuer zerijilew c’exiw tc’en xueey g’oxhuir. Habi k’elhig’uewe dip’ac’ewe dy Kuilturir Txik’emk’e ttxijiw haxery c’exiw yaxuinedqhasin xueey g’oxhuir.

8. Txik’em yi c’i-uim zimy polemiky cheedmiqhac’iw, zi maxue yape gyic’e c’eddzew zeeth’awe dixueejhen; zaxuew, yeg’uire-yechh’iw, yi c’i-uim ditee-azezih’iw zeth’an xueey g’oxhuir…

9. Lhaxha tf’elhir yi uink’ibzery yiqhuisew zif’eddziw, “Txik’er” zeeth’aw dy xedqhaaxhuew dqhapsewiniwe dixueemijheme, pchil’iniqhar qiyametir g’asixu diwixinu-am. Amalincew “Txik’er” zeeth’aw dy xedqhaaxhuew dqhapsewin xueey g’oxhir!…pej zy-aj! Fe sinivoge!



Maxue kued blek’inu g’ic’ek’ins
Guelhiw dy ar dybqhuim,
Yi-aw zi nec’iqha dyguim, yinicxuew!..

Qha kued yih’inu g’ic’ek’ins
Dy chik’aqhamre dy g’uedijin c’echiqhuemre,
G’ymik’iw zi wisag’ue wisere sy jilem yi zi maqire!..

G’iddeeg’u tf’aqhac’iw lhaxha tf’elhir,
Dimilhaqhuiw dizerymiqhabaquer habi,
Zeman kued nec’iw bledqhak’inu g’ic’ek’ins!..

H’APAGHE Eerh’an
G’izezidzek’ar: YEMUZ Yilmezs


Yiryquin-a dizeraqhaqapts’ar?!
Yiryquin-a dizerak’elhig’uih’aar?!
Yiryquin-a dizeraqhah’awleeyar?!
Yiryquin-a dizeraqhaguivar?!

G’itpoplher dy hanebzer.
“Sy binxe! Fy axer g’isxuefcyy!” g’idjee-ar.
Divqhawbid yi ar, yi pl’er, mil’e gyic’e har.
Yi nem ne, yi napem nape chidivqhaaxue!

Divqhaqhaqaabze yi wi-aaqhaxer,
Xhuichxhue chidivqhaaxue, haxem.
Deede-uen quideey yiryquin-am, habi.
Apl’e xuedivqhac’, deevqhapsalhe!

“Dig’ag’uas dy psew dy hanebze daxe,
Dy qhaac’exer wettiniw we!” jeedivqha-a.
Dqhaxhuijiniw har, g’adqhategyijiniw,
Ye-a dixueevqhaajhe!..

Here is how you write it:

1. The dependent vowels are written with “a, aa, e, ee, i, o, u, uu, y” letters.

2. The short “ a ” which comes after the “g’, h, h’, q, q’, qh, xh” consonants is written with “a” letter and the long “a” is written with “aa” letter. The short “e” which comes after the other consonants is written with “e” letter and the long “a” which comes after the other consonants is written with “a” letter.

3. The front and long “e” sound is always written with “ee” letter.

4. The “i” letter which comes before or after the consonants or comes after semi-vowels as the only vowel is read like back “ı” vowel in. But the vowel “i” which comes after he consonant “y” is pronounced thinner and shorter.

5. The “o” letter is pronounced long.

6. The semi-vowel “u” which comes after the “g, g’, k, q, q’, qh, x, xh” consonants is written with “u” letter and the long “u” is written with “uu” letter. The long “u” which comes after the other consonants is written with “u” letter.

7. The front “i” sound which comes after “g, k, u” letters or comes before or after the other consonants as the only vowel is written with “y” letter.

8. In “yy”; the front “y” shows the vowel, the next “y” shows the consonant.

9. The separated vowels which is at the beginning of the word are written with “a, aa, ee, i, o, uu, y” letters. The separated vowels which are uttered separately from the former sound are written with a dash (–) in front of then. The “-aa, -ee, -o, -uu, -y” are long, “-a, -i” are short. “-u” is pronounced like semi-vowel.

10. The separated diphtongs which is at the beginning of the word are written with “ua, ue, uee, ui, uy” united letters. The diphthongs which are uttered separately from the former sound are written with a dash (–) in front of then. The “–ua, -uee, -uy ” are long, “-ue, -ui” are short.

11. Some of the free consonants are written with as the letters of simple consonants. Some of them are written as the letters of united consonants.

12. The “g” letter which comes before “e, ee, y” letters is read like “g” consonant in. The “k” letter which comes before “e, ee, y” letters is read like “k” consonant in. The vowel sound of “y” letter which comes as abone is not uttered.

13. The “h” letter which comes before the vowels as single forms the voice groups in a trice.

14. The “i” letter which comes before or after the vowels is read like the consonant of “AYIN” letter in.

15. The “y” consonant which doesn’t comes after “g, k, u” but before or after the vowels is written with “y” letter.

16. Pressed consonants are written by putting “’” apostrophe behind then. Apostrophe on “g’” presses the back consonant of “g” letter, apostrophe on “k’” presses the front consonant of “k” letter.

17. When the united consonants come separately, a dash ( – ) is put between the letters while writing.

PS: The “u” letter in is pronounced as “oo” in English.

And here is a lexicon:


a (dependent short-vowel or dependent long-vowel)

g’ah’ – bring (short a)
dame – wing (long a)

aa (dependent long-vowel)

g’aah’ – they’re bringing
g’aag’ue – come

a (separated short-vowel)

ane – variety of table
ade – pliers
yiy-am – s/he hasn’t get
jit-at – we were saying

aa (separated long-vowel)

aax – they’re taking from him
yi-aa-am – s/he never had
jit-aat – we’d told


nibe – obdomen


cate – sour cream

chabe soft

c’e – new


dane – silk

dzin – to throw

e (dependent short-vowel)

mel – sheep
yege – read, call

ee (dependent long-vowel)

teepcheky – plate
yeegy – she’s spinning wool

ee (separated long-vowel)

eey – bad
g’i-eex – he’s taking from him
s-eex -he’s taking from me


fe – you, skin, leather

f ’

f ’i – good


gaz – gas
gok’ – s/he’s leaving him
gerc – bean
gegu – play (semi-vowel u)


gyane – shirt
gyide – axe
yagy – they’re spinning wool (semi-vowel y)


guawe – mourning
guiven – to be late
degu – deal (semi-vowel u)


g’achten – to take
g’aag’ue – come
g’eege – read, call
g’oplhe – s/he’s looking at here
g’oh’a – s/he’s appearing


yeg’u – suitable (semi-vowel u)


jigh – tree


hane – mother
hade – father


h’a – dog

i (as dependent short-vowel)

ci – horse
zi – one

i (separated short-vowel)

iqhin – to hold (as vowel)
yi-iqhir – the thing s/he holds
t-ix – take it from us
acri-i – Noah’s pudding

i (as consonant)

ialemet – strange
maine – meaning


baje – fox


jhi – old


karton – cardboard
kontrol – control
ket – sheep-fold
kezuwe – in turns


kyar – the thing cracked
kyits’ – kid
yaky – they’re stepping
yeeky – he’s stepping (semi-vowel y)


maxueku – thursday (semi-vowel u)

k’ape – tail
nek’eguugu – sty

li – meat


lhec’in – to wipe


pl’i – four


maze – moon


ne – eye

o (dependent long-vowel)

bo – stable
nobe – today

o (separated long-vowel)

o – sheepfold
one – it’s hanging
ze-one – they’re hanging each other
ze-oh’a – things are going bad


pe – nose


p’e – place, bed
yip-’a? – isn’t he feeding?


qaabze – clean
g’aqeeyin – to burp
qoplhe – he’s looking back
qoh’a – he’s going behind


mequ – hay (semi-vowel u)


q’a – graveyard


q’ueey – cheese
q’uih’ – ship


qha – year
qhaatxe – spring
qheeyin – to cry
qhogu – road (semi-vowel u)


meqhu – is drying (semi-vowel u)


weram – street


se – I, knife
wines – house


tane – heifer


nat’e – forehead
g’yt’-am – he isn’t digging


tsi – wool


ts’e – name, louse

u (dependent long-vowel or dependent semi-vowel)

bzu – bird (long u)
duneey – world (long u)

uu (dependent long-vowel)

kuu – deep
guu – bull

-u (separated semi-vowel)

xee-u – he’s dipping it
c’i-uxer – buttons

uu (separated long-vowel)

uuwin – howl

ua (separated long-diphtong)

uax -they’re opening
so-uate – I’m explaining

ue (separated short-diphtong)

ueten – to explain
p-ueten? – will you explain?

uee (separated long-diphtong)

ueexu – he’s driving away

ui (separated short-diphthong)

uix – open, take it away
g’i-uik’ – go away to this side

uy (separated long-diphthong)

uyxir – taken away
s-uyxir – the thing taken from me


nive – stone


wade – hammer


xade garden


txuog’ue – he’s going there for us
nexu – daylight


pxha – wood, wooden
xheeyin – to move


pxhui – daughter

y (as dependent long-vowel or as dependent semivowel)

sy – my
g’yk’ – get out of this

y (separated long-vowel)

yt’ – two hands
yxar – the thing he’s taken from him
g’i-yxar – the thing he’s taken from him
s-yxt – he was taking from me

y (as consonant)

yatx – they’re writing
yege – read, call
yeegy – s/he’s spinning wool
yin – big
k’yyin – to shout
yoge – s/he is reading


ze – once
nez – coast

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