Politics Magazine

What Is the True Punk Rock Mindset?

Posted on the 19 April 2014 by Calvinthedog

Punk rock is outside of society, period. Punks are not a part of society. They bailed on society a long time. Punks give a gigantic middle finger to society, culture, nation, all that bullshit.

This precocious young punk is already society and everyone who is a part of it a massive middle finger! Good start boy! You have a great life ahead of you!

This precocious young punk is already society and everyone who is a part of it a massive middle finger! Good start boy! You have a great life ahead of you!

Patriotards aren’t punks.

If you’re keeping up with the Joneses, you’re not a punk.

If you judge people as better or worse humans based on how much money and mostly unnecessary stuff they have, you’re not a punk.

If you yell, “USA! USA! USA! We’re Number 1! We’re Number 1! We’re Number 1!”

If you hate the poor, you’re not a punk.

If you hate homeless people, you’re not a punk.

If you think society is made up of makers and takers, you’re not a punk.

If you think people who make tons of money are “successful” and people who don’t are “not successful,” you’re not a punk.

True punks could care less about any of that junk.

Punk is about giving a massive middle finger to all of that society garbage. We reject it all!

An 80 year old punker near the end shows what she thinks of you and all your stupid society BS. She has seen it all, and she knows it's all crap. Before she leaves this Earth, she has one last thing to say!

An 80 year old punker near the end shows what she thinks of you and all your stupid society BS. She has seen it all, and she knows it’s all crap. Before she leaves this Earth, she has one last thing to say!

All of us real punks dropped out society, either mentally or literally, long, long ago. And most of us will never return, even until the day we die.

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