Fashion Magazine

What I've Been Up To Recently

By Clairebelle @cbelleoftheball
I realised I've been a bit quiet on the old "My Week in Photos" posts.
There's no real excuse really, there's been a lot going on and lots of things to post about, and I've been taking's just slipped by the wayside a I'm sorry about that!
The last month has been full of weddings, birthdays, celebrations, baby scans and more, so I thought I would just do a little round up of what I have been up to the last few weeks.
Enjoy! x

What I've Been Up To Recently

Our fabulous friends Lauren and Joel getting married!!

What I've Been Up To Recently

Amazing fox socks from Darren

What I've Been Up To Recently

Chowing down on a yummy fish pie at Bills Cafe in Covent Garden for my birthday

What I've Been Up To Recently

Early birthday flowers from Darren sent to the office

What I've Been Up To Recently

Meat Liquor...need I say anymore

What I've Been Up To Recently

Titch at 21 weeks!

What I've Been Up To Recently

Naughty indulgent snack 

What I've Been Up To Recently

Obsessed with this wolf hat from work

What I've Been Up To Recently

A box of robins at Liberty's Christmas Shop

What I've Been Up To Recently

Jo loving the Christmas shop at Liberty

What I've Been Up To Recently

A box of gorgeous baby gifts from my besties Rocsana and Negar all the way from LA

What I've Been Up To Recently

Kelly and Jo taking me out for birthday lunch at Cha Cha Moon

What I've Been Up To Recently

Ridiculously amazing afternoon tea at St. Michael's Manor in St. Albans

What I've Been Up To Recently

Tinkerbell enjoying my birthday wrapping paper!

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