Jorge writes:
Why the fuck “especially working-class whites”?
I can insult working-class people from other races but not this? Sorry but I think that it is wrong and stupid.
Well, I will not support anyone targeting any workers just for being workers. But no one is really beating up on working class non-Whites on here. All of the abuse coming from some liberal commenters is towards working class Whites. It ticks me off because I am White. I am White, and I do not take kindly to my people being insulted.
Also this blog is pro-White in a sense. We do not believe in White-hating, and we see nothing wrong with White people being proud. We think it’s good to be White, not bad. We think Whites are good people, not bad people. We think Whites are a high achieving race with both genetic and cultural potential for continuing high achievement. Whites have been a major factor in the civilization and development of mankind in the last several hundred years. If left up to the non-Whites, we would not have come this far. The world owes a debt to us Whites.
I like being White, and I like White people and White culture. I have now experienced what is more or less non-White culture (mestizo culture) and trust me, it is inferior. Not dramatically inferior, but inferior. When a city goes from White to mestizo here in the US, it’s generally a downgrade. Not a huge downgrade, but a downgrade nevertheless. White towns also leave much to be desired (I have major beefs with them), but they are not a civilizational downgrade. If anything, they are too civilized.
Every morning I wake up, look up at the ceiling and think, “Thank God for making me White!”
This site is trying to do something a bit different. We like White people here, but I do not want to identify as pro-White because 99% of the people who identify like that are the worst racist punks on Earth. So we are about having a positive view of Whites but at the same time hopefully not succumbing to any sort of ugly racism. If you read this blog, you will see that I try to avoid ugly racism in general, and I have a pretty low opinion of people who engage in nasty racism, like the Alt Righters. That sort of racism is just not a Left value.
We have had a large non-White readership for years now. Non-Whites are very much welcome to this site, but it would be nice if they didn’t hate Whites. I am also very interested in anthropology (I worked as a cultural anthropologist for a while). This takes the form of an intense interest in a lot of both the Euro and non-Euro ethnic groups around the world.
And I am happy to talk about most any other ethnic group on here, including those of my commenters, hopefully in a nonracist way. You can see we have a lot of discussions here on Latin America, India and the subcontinent, the Arab and Muslim World and even Africa! on most discussions about these non Euro-White groups on here we try to be fair and evenhanded and avoid of nasty racist sentiment.