Community Magazine

What Exactly is Sanity ?

By Gran13

imagesFESHEPA2What exactly is SANITY?

Sanity refers to the soundness, rationality and healthiness of the human mind, as opposed to insanity.

Sanity is something that we take for granted and I believe that sanity is lost on the sane.

My son lost his sanity and grieved for his loss. We all did.

Bizarre behavior, once limited to adolescents, like weight loss, public temper tantrums and exhibitionism, are splashed across the front pages of leading newspapers and glossy magazines. Very often, this kind of behavior is the start of a mental disturbance.

We have to Break the Silence and get mental illness into our school systems so that teachers might be able to identify the first signs in their students and guide them toward the help they so badly need.

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