Outdoors Magazine

What Do These Two Specimens Have in Common?

Posted on the 03 October 2013 by Hollis
What do these two specimens have in common?
Hint #1:

What do these two specimens have in common?

In situ.  Proud geo-geek for scale.

Hint #2:  They have nothing to do with Ice Age Mega-floods.
Hint #3:

What do these two specimens have in common?

Where on Google Earth? (click on photo for better view).

Hint #4:

What do these two specimens have in common?

Another view.

Answer:  They share a contact ... in spite of the huge difference in their ages!

What do these two specimens have in common?

Stratigraphic column for Colorado National Monument; courtesy NPS.  Red arrow shows contact.

What do these two specimens have in common?

Softer red Chinle Formation erodes to form slopes above harder Black Canyon schist.

This is the Great Unconformity at Colorado National Monument near Grand Junction.  The late Triassic Chinle Formation lies atop the Precambrian Black Canyon schist -- a gap of 1.7 billion years in the rock record!  We love such things!!

What do these two specimens have in common?

Everyone wanted to share in the spiritual experience.

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