Athletics Magazine

What Do a Flea and a Bachelor Have In Common?

By Brisdon @shutuprun

I just found out where I am going to be on March 9:

What Do a Flea and a Bachelor Have In Common?

I’m going there to do this (thanks to Asics and the Blogger Challenge Program):


I’ve never been to Los Angeles. I think the best way to see it will be to run 26.2 miles from Dodger Stadium to the Santa Monica Pier. Sounds lovely. And, I am sure running would take far less time than trying to drive it. That is all I know about LA. Piss poor traffic situation.

I am hoping to do some celebrity sighting and stalking. In the past these people have run LA:

Alison Sweeney from Biggest Loser: 4:31
Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers: 3:41
Chef Gordon Ramsey: 3:48
Bachelor Andy Baldwin: 3:34

I only have one question: WID? (Where Is Dolvett?)

I am especially excited because rumor has it that Lindsay Lohan wants to run LA in 2014. Hmmm…there are a lot of things I could write about this, but let’s just say if she thinks running is going to cure her, who am I to argue? It cures everything, right?

Here are other things I know about this marathon:

  • Average high temperature: 69 (probably slightly warmer than Colorado)
  • Elevation of LA: 233 feet above sea level (yes! that means we must run downhill to the water, no?)
  • Number of runners: 25,000
  • Distance: 26.2 miles (I need to know this when people ask me how far the LA Marathon is. Yes, it happens)
  • Number of Porta Potties: No clue, but with 25,000 people, there better be a shit load (no pun intended).

My official training (under Coach Andrew Kastor – Deena’s husband!), started this week. I kicked it off with 11.5 miles today. It feels damn good to have a plan on the wall again. I love structure. I love goals.



Any one else running the LA Marathon? Or, have you run it before?

If not, do you have a spring half marathon/marathon planned? Right now, LA is all I have on my calendar except the Cache-Teton Epic Relay in August. I’m sure I’ll be adding lots more in the near future.


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