Home Magazine

What Brings You Peace...

By Therelishedroost
It was a week that ended in losses for myself and some close to me.  My Uncle Mick from Ireland passed in his sleep the other day and it was a whirl wind for my poor mother get plane tickets and rush to get there so she could be pay respects to her brother and our family.  So I am ending this week with a  post on images and spaces that inspire peace.  I think that right now the earth and those who live here could use a moment of inner peace or at least have somewhere that they may escape to find it. 
I wish you all a good weekend, life is fragile be kind to others and most of all yourself!

What Brings You Peace...


The word 'happiness' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.Carl Jung
What Brings You Peace...

What Brings You Peace...

What Brings You Peace...

What Brings You Peace...

What Brings You Peace...

What Brings You Peace...

What Brings You Peace...

What Brings You Peace...

I Love the light at the top of the stairs.....

All Interior Images are from - The Inspired Home: Interiors Of Deep Beauty

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