Creativity Magazine

What and Where?

By Vickilane
What and Where?
An assortment of strange life forms on the ocean floor?
What and Where?
A collection of odd mineral formations in a recently discovered cave?
What and Where?
A collection of growths on the floor of the Senate? Beings that function without hearts, enabling them to cut taxes for the wealthy and drive up the profits of the insurance industry while cutting health care from the most vulnerable?
What and Where?
 Nope, it's just the cream of asparagus soup that's been lost in the back of the refrigerator too long.
What and Where?
Whew! For a minute I thought I spotted Mitch McConnell! Seriously, if you are opposed to this disaster of a health bill, let your Congress critters know, loud and clear. (Yes, I hear you -- first a giant spider and now this. I'll get some Josie pics up ASAP.)
What and Where?

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