Every summer since, I've hoped and looked for more leafcutter bees. Today I finally saw one. I was about to open the back door when I caught a glimpse of a funny-shaped insect flying around. I looked closer and realized it was a bee carrying a sizable piece of leaf, hence the odd shape. She entered a hole at the end of a railroad tie, and a few minutes later emerged without the fragment and flew off. She was gone for about five minutes before returning with another piece. In the meantime, I had grabbed the camera.
Entrance to nest is in the end of the shorter tie.

From Leafcutter Bees Fact Sheet, Colorado State University Extension.

Leafcutter bees are said to prefer certain kinds of leaves for their partitions -- green ash, lilac, Virginia creeper and rose. I looked at the rose bushes in the yard, and found some leaves with rounded cut-outs.

Do you recognize the bee’s leaf? It has serrated margins and reticulate (net-like) purplish veins.
(click on image for a better view)

Rose leaves also have serrated margins, but the veins are neither purplish nor reticulate.
Leafcutter bees are solitary bees (vs. colonial). The female lives only a few months and has a lot of work to do in that time. She either finds or excavates a linear site, and starts building one cell after another, stocking each with pollen and nectar for her offspring. She lays an egg in the cell and then seals it with a leaf fragment. In this way she constructs on the order of a dozen cells, in a tunnel 4-8” long. The young bees hatch, develop, and live in their chambers until the following summer (source).Leafcutter bees generally do not remove enough leaf tissue to be destructive. And personally, I’d love to have lots of little round cut-outs in rose leaves if it meant more leafcutter bees in railroad ties.
Leaves with bee nibbles. From Leafcutter Bees Fact Sheet, CSU Extension.